Dear Mr.Rosh,a new quistion

Hi! Dear Mr. Rosh
Thanks o lot for your responsing my previous questions so quickily
Now,a new question
For using MT4 EA tester,it's important having an enough long period DATA
So DATA is basis for testing
If not ,the test result just a joke
We can not believe the results and use them in real tradings
Unfortunateiy,we can only download data for the different MT4 severs in a few month
Now FXDD in China(WaiHui) says,they got a long period Data (1997-2007)
The DATA dowload from MetaQuotes-Demo - MetaQuotes Software Corp.directly
I got one
But the data form is in *.dat
I have an account in MetaQuotes-Demo ,I can use the DATA

My question is how can I convert the DATA from *.dat into *.hst?
MT4 only can shows and uses DATA in *.hst form

Could you tell me the way how to do the convertion?

Please do me a favor
Thank you in advance!
You're welcome.
You don't need to convert dat extension files to hst-format, MT4 do it automatically. Previously you must to open demo account on your broker, then press F2 (to open History Center window), select needed currency pair and again click "Download".
Try it again.
Daer Mr.Rosh,
Thank you for your quick reply.
I know the mathod you said.
But in this way,I can get the data only few month.
For example,I only got M1 data from now to feb,2007.
That's not enough to do an EA convinced !
How can I do ?
I don't understand. What number of build of MetaTrader 4 do you use? Please, downlaod latest version here -
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Follow your instrubtion, I can only get few data,as showed in the chart
What's wrong with me ?
What can I do ?
How you get the access to internet? Do you have a proxy server?

Thank you very much
I can't reach the page of your showed
I mean the 'Option' page
Could you show me the way to reach there?
I will check it !

Yes, this Options in your MetaEditor.

If you use proxy server set right IP address and try to download from History Center again.
Oh, sorry. You need proxy settings in MetaTrader for downloading from History Center.
Press Ctrl+O

(Proxy settings in MetaEditor wanted to download experts,indicatos and scripts from Online library directly throw MetaEditor [sometimes])
Yah ! I found it!
The next thing I should do is writing the servers number into the blank
Please give me the numbers
I need :

I have the demo accounts in these broker
Thank you in advanced !
No, I mean proxy server in your network. If you have direct access to internet via dialup modem or via ADSL modem you don't need to use proxy server.