compilation error mql4 editor - page 2

I'm afraid that I have no idea. I can only speculate that 100,000+ lines of code is outside what the compiler is meant to be able to handle. And that you only have 100,000+ lines of code because you could, and for many reasons should, consolidate many near-identical functions into a single parameterised function.

I second that statement!

@7325453863: Considering the 112000 lines of code and your statement of 360 buy and 360 sell modules, and from from what I have seen of your example code, it certainly is not very well structured or organised in my opinion.

If you merge buy/sell modules, that is at least 360 modules you could do away with and that will probably reduce your code to half its size. Even after merging, 360 different modules, still seems awfully unstructured.


But you are not addressing one of my questions.

No one other than the MetaQuotes Service Desk is in a position to "address your questions". All that anyone on this forum can do is, like I said previously, speculate.

Comment out half of the code, see if it compiles. Binary search.