Function return array



Does anyone here tried to create a function that returns an array? Instead of creating a function that returns ticket number, open price for a specific logic, store all of the necessary data on array returned to a function.



It's all in the docs e.g. editor's Reference (F1): "What can be returned: simple types, simple structures, object pointers."

There you'll find even examples...



Does anyone here tried to create a function that returns an array? Instead of creating a function that returns ticket number, open price for a specific logic, store all of the necessary data on array returned to a function.


You cannot return an array from a function.

You can pass an array by reference to the function an it can assign new values to the array.

i tried to use vector but i think it is not supported on mql.
i tried to use vector but i think it is not supported on mql.

Just pass an Array by reference (as stated by GumRai above)!

If you use a Dynamic array, it can even be empty before calling the function and that function can populate it or manipulate it in any way you wish it; and when the function returns, you will effectively have returned an array.

void RemoveElement(int x,int as,Trades &array[])

Here's an example of passing an array by reference, in this case a struct array.


Functions or methods can return structures. A structure can contain arrays (even dynamic arrays). Hence this gives another way to return an array from a function. Here is an example returning an array from an object that builds parameter lists for custom indicators:

#include <Object.mqh>

//   Convenient macro for creating custom indicators using the param
//   builder.                                                              |
//   CParamBuilder builder;
//   builder.Init(MYIND);
//   builder.AddInteger(IntParam1);
//   builder.AddDouble(DblParam1);
//   builder.AddDouble(DblParam2);
//   if (!CREATE_CUSTOM(myInd,Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,builder))
//     {
//      Print("Unabled to create bbStop");
//      return(INIT_FAILED);
//     }
//   m_bbStop.RefreshCurrent(true);
#define  CREATE_CUSTOM(myInd,symbol,timeframe,builder) \

// Structure for passing an array back from a function
struct PStruct
   MqlParam          p[];

//| An object for building Mql parameter arrays for initialising     |
//| indicators.                                                      |
class CParamBuilder : public CObject
   PStruct           m_params;

   int               AddSlot(void);


   void              Init(const string path);

   void              AddString(const string stringValue);
   void              AddInteger(const int intValue);
   void              AddDouble(const double doubleValue);

   int               ParamCount(void) const;
   PStruct           Params(void) const;
//|                                                                  |
   : CObject()
//|                                                                  |
//| Allocate space for a new parameter and return its index          |
int CParamBuilder::AddSlot(void)
   int n = ArraySize(m_params.p);
//| Initialise the parameter builder by passing in the path of the   |
//| indicator (eg; "::MyIndicator.ex5"). This is the first parameter.|
void CParamBuilder::Init(const string path)
//| Add a string parameter                                           |
void CParamBuilder::AddString(const string stringValue)
   int n = AddSlot();
   m_params.p[n].type = TYPE_STRING;
   m_params.p[n].string_value = stringValue;
//| Add an integer parameter                                         |
void CParamBuilder::AddInteger(const int intValue)
   int n = AddSlot();
   m_params.p[n].type = TYPE_INT;
   m_params.p[n].integer_value = intValue;
//| Add a double parameter                                           |
void CParamBuilder::AddDouble(const double doubleValue)
   int n = AddSlot();
   m_params.p[n].type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
   m_params.p[n].double_value = doubleValue;
//| Returns the number of parameters                                 |
int CParamBuilder::ParamCount(void) const
//| Returns the structure containing the parameters. The array can   |
//| then be referenced as builder.Params().p                         |
PStruct CParamBuilder::Params(void) const