Select a 1H bar from a daily bar


I am trying to select a price level on a 1hour bar that is part of a daily bar with a certain characteristic.

Something along the following line, as an example:

If ((daily bar  == certain characteristic) -> zoom into 1hour bars and do 'whatever'...)

 1H candles


To make the transfer from Daily to 1H, I thought of using CopyRates and linking the time frames through iTime(_, PERIOD_D1, _), like the following lines (I selected the 10th bar just for testing purposes):

int  start()
   MqlRates 1HourRate[];
   #define LEN 23
   datetime daily_time = iTime(NULL,PERIOD_D1,10);     //select the opening time of 
                                                      //the 10th daily candle
   int copied = CopyRates(Symbol(),PERIOD_H1,daily_time,LEN,1HourRate);
                                                      //Copy the 23 candles of the
                                                      //1H chart that make up the daily candle
                                                      //into the 1HourRate array
   //...manipulate 1HourRate at will...

 However, it's not working.

There are two questions:

1. What is the correct way to "zoom into" a different TF?

2. Sometimes the daily is comprised of 22 bars as opposed to 23. In other words, the opening time of the daily is 00:00 but the first one hour bar opens at 1:00am. How to connect both time frames in this scenario? 


Thanks in advance,



In the script below, I "zoom into" the daily candle and draw a horizontal line on the 2nd lowest low of the 1 hour bars that make up the daily candle.

 In order to select the correct daily candle though, you have to select the time of the following candle.

In other words, if you want to zoom into the Daily Candle[3], select iTime from Daily Candle[2].

That happens because of how CopyRates work.


int  start()
   double oneHourRate[];
   #define LEN 24
   datetime daily_time = iTime(NULL,PERIOD_D1,2);     //select the opening time of 
                                                      //the daily candle[2]
   int copied = CopyLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_H1,daily_time,LEN,oneHourRate);
                                                      //Copy the lows of the 24 candles of the
                                                      //1H chart that make up daily candle[3]
                                                      //into the 1HourRate array
//algo to find the 2nd lowest value within the 1HourRate array
      double secondLowest = lowest(oneHourRate, LEN);   //2nd lowest value in the array
      Comment("time = ", daily_time);
      Comment("CopyLow didn't work.");
//Find 2nd lowest
double lowest(double &tempArray[],int sizeOfArray)
   int i;
   double smaller, smallest;
        smallest = tempArray[0];
        smaller = tempArray[1];
        for(i=1; i < sizeOfArray; i++)
                if(tempArray[i] < smaller)
                        if(tempArray[i] < smallest)
                        smaller = smallest;
                        smallest = tempArray[i];
                                smaller = tempArray[i];
        return smaller;

The following script does a much better job and it's cleaner.

Using ArrayMaximum/Minimum I can easily select the 2nd extreme to the left or to the right of the extreme.

I have added the conditions of bearish/bullish move on the daily.

void OnStart()
   #define _bar 2
   int actualBar = _bar - 1;
   bool Bullish;
   int firstExtreme;
   int secondExtreme;
   double oneHourRate[];
   #define LEN 25
   datetime daily_time = iTime(NULL,PERIOD_D1,actualBar);  //select the opening time of 
                                                           //the daily candle[_bar]
   if(iClose(NULL,PERIOD_D1,_bar) - iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_D1,actualBar) >= 0)
      Bullish = True;                                    //checking feature of candle
      Bullish = False;
   if(Bullish == True)
      CopyLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_H1,daily_time,LEN,oneHourRate);  //saved 1H bars into oneHourRate[]
      firstExtreme = ArrayMinimum(oneHourRate,WHOLE_ARRAY,0);  //1st lowest value in 1H TF
      secondExtreme = ArrayMinimum(oneHourRate,LEN-firstExtreme,firstExtreme+1);//2nd lowest to the left
      CopyHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_H1,daily_time,LEN,oneHourRate);//saved 1H bars into oneHourRate[]
      firstExtreme = ArrayMaximum(oneHourRate,WHOLE_ARRAY,0);  //1st highest value in 1H TF
      secondExtreme = ArrayMaximum(oneHourRate,LEN-firstExtreme,firstExtreme+1);//2nd highest to the left
      Comment("time = ", daily_time);