Using a Custom .EX4 File in EA - page 2

Wow! That is crazy! It was a free indicator, but I always wanted the .mql4 file because I trade manually on another platform that only uses .mql4 files. It can't use the compiled files. You were able to just recognize it, I'm assuming? I have plenty of custom indicators on my computer that I wished I had the mql4 file for. I might just do a google search to see what shows up.
Wow! That is crazy! It was a free indicator, but I always wanted the .mql4 file because I trade manually on another platform that only uses .mql4 files. It can't use the compiled files. You were able to just recognize it, I'm assuming? I have plenty of custom indicators on my computer that I wished I had the mql4 file for. I might just do a google search to see what shows up.
Many paid Indicators and EAs out there are really just rip-offs of free open source ones available in the Code Base section or on other well known sites. You just have to know how to recognise and search for the originals.