How to convert a single char string to keycode?


How to convert a single char string to keycode?

For example for the string "q" I want to get the value 81 (as the keycode described here).


How to convert a single char string to keycode?

For example for the string "q" I want to get the value 81 (as the keycode described here).


in case you want a single char, you should enclose it in single quotes, e.g. char c='b'; and not double quotes "b". That way char will have the value you are after and you can use it in ifs or where ever, for example

        char c='b';
        if (c==98) Alert("all right"); 

@FMIC, I already did that, but StringGetChar("q", 0) returns 113 (ASCII code) instead of 81 (key code).

@Demos and WHRoeder, a single char or int works, but I want that the user of my indicator to enter the character and if I use

input char myChar = 'q';

then the user is presented with an integer input instead of string/character input.

Issue is still open.

One possible solution is to write a function myself that converts a single character string to the key code, but isn't there an API or existing function for that?


Well, it seems I misinterpreted your request, thinking that you wanted either the ASCII Code or UNICODE Code. However, in MQL4, there is no function for Virtual Key Codes or Keyboard codes like in Adobe Flash, and you will have to use Win32 functions for that (e.g. VkKeyScanEx).

However, I cannot see why you would want to convert characters in strings into Key Codes in MetaTrader. Maybe, if you explain your requirement we can provide you with a less complicated solution to your "real" problem.



then the user is presented with an integer input instead of string/character input.

Issue is still open.

One possible solution is to write a function myself that converts a single character string to the key code, but isn't there an API or existing function for that?

  1. So use a string and convert it.
  2. FMIC already gave you links to convert a single character string to a int.

I have been using something like this to add a keyChar to the keyboard buffer. However, the special keys are not included.

        string uslayout = "00000409";
        int h = LoadKeyboardLayoutW(uslayout, 0x00000001);
        uchar vkey = (uchar)VkKeyScanExW(keyChar, h);                  
        uchar skey = (uchar)MapVirtualKeyW(vkey, 0);
        keybd_event(vkey,skey,0 , 0);
        keybd_event(vkey,skey, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0);

@FMIC, I already did that, but StringGetChar("q", 0) returns 113 (ASCII code) instead of 81 (key code).

@Demos and WHRoeder, a single char or int works, but I want that the user of my indicator to enter the character and if I use

input char myChar = 'q';

then the user is presented with an integer input instead of string/character input.

Issue is still open.

One possible solution is to write a function myself that converts a single character string to the key code, but isn't there an API or existing function for that?

Use function StringToUpper()
Key code q=Q


@Tecuciztecatl, thank you! Yes StringToUpper() did the trick, as I didn't have to differentiate between lower or uppercase and the inputs had to be only alphabetical or single digit.

int getKeyCode(string val) {
   return StringGetChar(val, 0);

@FMIC, @WHRoeder, thank you!

@Ovo, exactly what I was searching as a win32 solution. I do not know how to import the win32 functions correctly. Can you tell me (or share an article) how to do correctly imports in mq4 for win32 functions, like LoadKeyboardLayout, VkKeyScanEx, etc.


@Tecuciztecatl, thank you! Yes StringToUpper() did the trick, as I didn't have to differentiate between lower or uppercase and the inputs had to be only alphabetical or single digit.

int getKeyCode(string val) {
   return StringGetChar(val, 0);

@FMIC, @WHRoeder, thank you!

@Ovo, exactly what I was searching as a win32 solution. I do not know how to import the win32 functions correctly. Can you tell me (or share an article) how to do correctly imports in mq4 for win32 functions, like LoadKeyboardLayout, VkKeyScanEx, etc.

The article:

Below is an example, but I am mapping types for an easier import.

#include <Ovo/imports/constants.import.mqh>

#import "user32.dll"

/** For codes see */

#define VK_F4 0x73    // F4 key 
#define VK_MENU 0x12    // ALT key 

VOID WINAPI keybd_event(
  _In_  BYTE bVk,
  _In_  BYTE bScan,
  _In_  DWORD dwFlags,
  _In_  ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo

HKL WINAPI LoadKeyboardLayoutW(
  _In_  LPCTSTR pwszKLID,
  _In_  UINT Flags

  _In_  TCHAR ch,
  _In_  HKL dwhkl

  _In_  UINT uCode,
  _In_  UINT uMapType

HKL WINAPI GetKeyboardLayout(
  _In_  DWORD idThread

HKL WINAPI ActivateKeyboardLayout(
  _In_  HKL hkl,
  _In_  UINT Flags

#define KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY          0x0001
#define KEYEVENTF_KEYUP                0x0002
#define KEYEVENTF_UNICODE              0x0004

#define VK_HOME 0x24
#define VK_TAB  0x09                 // 0F, 8F
#define VK_RETURN       0x0D
