How to write multiple lines caption

Hello Comerades, How do I execute multiple lines in the caption of a button? I have tried \n and even \n\r and they did not work. Thank you in advance.
Hello Comerades, How do I execute multiple lines in the caption of a button? I have tried \n and even \n\r and they did not work. Thank you in advance.

Please don't double post.

Anyway that's not possible. 


I don't think that it is possible.

You can try setting the button text to "" and overprint with Labels


What is a possible way out? I have a narrow button that should contain two words. Parts of the words are hidden. I need it in double line.


What is a possible way out? I have a narrow button that should contain two words. Parts of the words are hidden. I need it in double line.


You can try setting the button text to "" and overprint with Labels

or increase the button size so that the text will show on one line