Array values passed between functions


Hi.  In researching this I see this was once not possible pre. build 600.  My question is whether it is now possible post build 600?  structures and classes ?   My objective is to pass the array values populated in one function into another function with a global declared array? 


For example:

string Opened[][2];

void OnTimer()

int hstTotal=OrdersHistoryTotal(); 

  for(int i=0;i<hstTotal;i++) 
        Print("Access to history failed with error (",GetLastError(),")"); 

      // populate array

    } // for loop

   //.... and then later on

} // end OnTimer

myfunction () {

  // and within this function have Opened[][] values available ??



thanks in advance. 

Why don't you just pass the array arguments into the function?

Thanks tex,


The array is of a large size, potentially  having a first dimension of over 100 (even 1000).  With it being a dynamic array I was unsure it was possible to pass it as you suggest?


Ok now I see thanks tex,

I am attempting to pass the array values to the function like this:


 And reference them in the array like this:

myfunction (string& O[][2]) {

  // and within this function have Opened[][] values available ??


 However the values of the array when called in myfunction() are 'empty'.


Here is now the complete code example:


string Opened[][2];

void OnTimer()

int hstTotal=OrdersHistoryTotal(); 

  for(int i=0;i<hstTotal;i++) 
        Print("Access to history failed with error (",GetLastError(),")"); 

      // populate array

    } // for loop
    string $t = "array test", Opened[0][0];
    Print($t); // is successfully printing the array value

} // end OnTimer

myfunction (string& O[][2]) {

  // and within this function have Opened[][] values available ??
  // example:
  string $test = "test array ",O[0][0];
  Print($test); // returns - "test array " with no output value for the array

And in regards to the array size it hold up to 2147483647 elements.. wow, I doubt I will ever need that many !

Perhaps a simple script example of how arrays are passed by reference will help?

#property strict

void OnStart()
   int MyArray[2][2]={0,1,2,3};

void MyFunction(int &array[][]) 

knave your a legend!  


Thanks my friend for the example.  My problem was adding parameter 2 value in the function array declaration. Now my code is working fine.


Again many thanks :-) 


knave your a legend!  


Thanks my friend for the example.  My problem was adding parameter 2 value in the function array declaration. Now my code is working fine.


Again many thanks :-) 

Glad you got it sorted!