Get the Month of a closed order?

How can I use OrderCloseTime() to get the month in digits of a closed order? I'm trying to build a script to filter historical results by month, so I would only want to display order results within a selected month, such as month 11 for November.


Note, if you have extended trade history, you may also need to check the year 


So something like this?

if(OrdHistory>0 && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderCloseTime() <= TimeMonth())

if I want to check the trades only for the current month
if(OrdHistory>0 && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && TimeMonth(OrderCloseTime())==Month())
will check for current month, but as I said, if you have trade history for more than a year, you may need to check the year.
ok, thanks =D that worked great!