Questions on selling MT4 indicators with DLL


I developed a bunch of indicators in C++ to use in my private trading/backtesting system. Now I'm thinking to wrap them in MT4 indicator so I can sell or publish them. But I have a few questions,

1, Seems MetaQuote market doesn't allow DLL, thus I can't use the market. Then any elsewhere can I sell the indicator? Any other markets? I have a personal site so I can put the indicators there but I think a concentrate market is better.

2, How to protect the indicators? As far as I understand, MT market provides demo version and a paid version to download. If I do it myself, should I only provide demo download and sent the full version manually upon payment? What's the normal method to provide MT indicators?

Thanks all

1. Yes, any other market or a personal business page. MQ won!t change, as they do not allow DLL in their VPS either. You should pick only a single one of the possibilities, otherwise your payment automation would be too complex. Personal page is probably a better option, as you have full control. 

2. Protect against what? If you meant just authorization, some either create a unique compilation for every buyer (a way to hell for daily selling), or you may implement hardware detection (not quite easy, due to numerous Windows emulators for Mac and Unix) and a key generator, verifying either locally or remotely.


Thanks Ovo. I mean to protect against pirate. Your method sounds like how a shareware does, which I did 10 years ago. But I doubt whether that method is too complicated for an indicator.

Is there any reason that MQ doesn't allow DLL? DLL does open security hole, but MQ staff can check the security of a DLL. Just curious, I know MQ won't change...

I am blindly guessing that their "VPS" is not a sandboxed and dedicated Windows installation like a usual VPS is.