Mql4 Report


Hey, I've tried to search for a solution to this but I have been unable to find a solution, even with a broad google search.

Recently I've been making detailed reports on my performance, the EA has been functional for well over a year (perhaps 16 months), but my report only goes back 10 months.

When I click all history on my report not all history is shown and the profit/loss value does not correlate with other sources which show the entire history.


Hey, I've tried to search for a solution to this but I have been unable to find a solution, even with a broad google search.

Recently I've been making detailed reports on my performance, the EA has been functional for well over a year (perhaps 16 months), but my report only goes back 10 months.

When I click all history on my report not all history is shown and the profit/loss value does not correlate with other sources which show the entire history.

Contact your broker, they can remove your trading history.