MetaTrader4 important bug


Two months ago, since the build 825, MT4 crashes my Windows XP Profesional SP2. I think it is doing a wrong operation which makes crash the graphical driver and then the os kernel also. No log, no memory dump, it's reboots instantly. My Asus computer is eight and half years old, and work perfectly since i buy it. No bug, no Windows reinstall, it's the original installation, no Windows update (that's why it lasts so long). I saw twice an error message half second before an instant reboot which says that "Une opération d'entrée sortie avec chevauchement est en cours". Translated in english: "An input / output operation is in progress with overlap". The wrong graphical operation is confirmed as when i empty the MT4 the parameters and graphical history folders, the terminal as booted without any problem. But at the next boot it crashes again. I tested the build 830 and 840, it crashes also. I updated my graphical driver to the last version provided by NVidia, it crashes again.

Is there somebody who has the same problem ?

Are the developers noticed this bug ? Is it in debugging ?

P.S. : automatic update is not profesional because when you have an instance in use, you mustn't update it otherwise it might makes problems that blocks you in your production (in this case trading). If you want to update you must do it on a test machine before !

Recently (about 1-2 year) more and more users are annoyed of these automatic updates. Personnaly I have started to think about using another trading platform. 

I don't think that the new Mt4 updates work with XP SP2, you have to update to SP3