Help!! i have been struggling with arrays


Hello i have been struggling with arrays, in this case i need to look to rsi in bar number 5,6 or 7 but it does a array out of rage, can you figure out what am i doing wrong,


Here is  the code


double RSI[];

extern int RSIPer = 14;//RSI Period

extern int Limite_Der_a_Izq_Inicial= 0;

extern int Limite_Der_a_Izq_Final= 0; // Real time


int counted_bars;

int limit; 

int i;


int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,

                const int prev_calculated,

                const datetime &time[],

                const double &open[],

                const double &high[],

                const double &low[],

                const double &close[],

                const long &tick_volume[],

                const long &volume[],

                const int &spread[])



   counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();




   if(counted_bars < 0) return(-1); 

   if(counted_bars > 0) counted_bars--;

   if(Limite_Der_a_Izq_Inicial != 0)


     limit = Limite_Der_a_Izq_Inicial;




     limit = Bars - counted_bars -1;





RSI[i]  = iCustom(NULL,0,"RSI",0,i);

Comment(RSI[i+2]); // it works with i and i+1, but i+2.... i+n it does not!!  






Let's say that there are 100 bars

     limit = Bars - counted_bars -1;

 when counted_bars==0




 The maximum value of i in the loop is

limit -1


98 is the maximum value of i

If there are 100 bars, the largest index is 99

Comment(RSI[i+2]); // it works with i and i+1, but i+2.... i+n it does not!!  

 So when the maximum value of i is reached in the loop




There is no index 100, so array out of range

int counted = IndicatorCounted();
int lookback = ... // iMA(period) has look back of period.
                   // buffer[i+2] has look back of 2
                   // use maximum of all.
for(int iBar = Bars - 1 - MathMax(lookback, counted); iBar >= 0; --iBar) ...
Always count down, repainting indicators are useless.
When you create an array that needs, let's say 10 spaces, you use the MyArray[10] when you create it.  But computer programs start counting array indexes at 0, so for MyArray, the correct indexes would be 0-9, which is why Gum said limit-1.  If you try using an index that is outside of that array's range, in this case, less than 0 or greater than 9, you get the error you are talking about.
When you create an array that needs, let's say 10 spaces, you use the MyArray[10] when you create it.  But computer programs start counting array indexes at 0, so for MyArray, the correct indexes would be 0-9, which is why Gum said limit-1.  If you try using an index that is outside of that array's range, in this case, less than 0 or greater than 9, you get the error you are talking about.
Thank you very much!! 
Always count down, repainting indicators are useless.
 Now it works  !!, it was really helpful, Thanks!!!

Let's say that there are 100 bars

 when counted_bars==0



 The maximum value of i in the loop is

limit -1


98 is the maximum value of i

If there are 100 bars, the largest index is 99

 So when the maximum value of i is reached in the loop




There is no index 100, so array out of range. 


Thanks for your help !!!
Thank you very much!! 
Welcome.  It is a small point and people who are not well versed in programming often miss this small but important item.