The last visible bar is not fully visible sometimes


Hello. I noticed that the last visible bar is not fully visible sometimes.

Have you changed the scale fix in the chart settings?
You also need to check the autoscroll function, and see if it is on or off.  Also, there might be a difference between the info feed between your MT4 and your MT5 data.
Have you changed the scale fix in the chart settings?

No, I haven't. Here's some properties:


You also need to check the autoscroll function, and see if it is on or off.  Also, there might be a difference between the info feed between your MT4 and your MT5 data.
I'm not talking about the last bar(the last data),
but rather the last VISIBLE bar, which is not necessarily the last bar
especially when you go through the chart with F12(Shift+F12).
I'm not talking about the last bar(the last data),
but rather the last VISIBLE bar, which is not necessarily the last bar
especially when you go through the chart with F12(Shift+F12).
Then I have no idea what could be causing your problem.  Sorry.
Thanks anyway