

Is there anything that can be done to reduce the amount of spam (advertising mostly illegal activities)?

I never remember it being such a problem until a few months back.

I know that moderators can't be online 24x7, but perhaps instigate a vetting process for new members for their first 'x' posts?


I love spam'n'eggs. I believe it is legal. But I should reduce it, anyway.



Is there anything that can be done to reduce the amount of spam (advertising mostly illegal activities)?

I never remember it being such a problem until a few months back.

I know that moderators can't be online 24x7, but perhaps instigate a vetting process for new members for their first 'x' posts?

If you refer to the last offer of passport, id-cards, .. in best quality let the police know they might contact metatrader probaly with a higher success-rat than we might have.

I love spam'n'eggs. I believe it is legal. But I should reduce it, anyway.



urgh, spam of the tinned variety is nearly as nasty as those Hyderabad prostitutes advertised the other day  
If you refer to the last offer of passport, id-cards, .. in best quality let the police know they might contact metatrader probaly with a higher success-rat than we might have.
Yeah, I referenced the legality side of things in the hope it might spur someone on at MetaQuotes...

I never remember it being such a problem until a few months back.

I keep filling the addresses of escort services into my adress book :)
I will not eat green eggs and Spam, I will not eat them, Sam I Am.  I reported one I saw of a post in italian I think it was, and saw the same post in English recently, I think.  Some guy offering fake legal documents.  But as far as spam in regards to posts on a forum, on some I think that is a very subjective  idea.  Some people might consider anything even slightly off-topic to be spam and get ridiculously anal about it.