Publishing articles on MQ website (4 or 5, question applies to either or)


I read through the post/article at but one thing I am wondering which I am not sure about, even given the guidelines there.  What if the person publishing the article here already published it somewhere else, like on their own website, before submitting it to MetaQuotes.  It has not yet been the case as far as I know, and it is definitely not the case for me now, but it might come up in the future.  I read through alot of the articles and posts related to this one and the newer one at, and have not seen any specific information covering this for sure.

Also, the way it appears now, they only allow publishing through the side of things, even if it is specifically for MQL and/or MT4 side of things.

The below is copied from the 1402 article for reference if anyone is interested.


Author of the article shall agree to the following conditions of publication of articles on website:

  1. MetaQuotes Software Corp. receives exclusive right to the publication and distribution of the article under the author's name, including its republications, its publication in electronic or any other accessible forms, as well as the translation of the article or any parts thereof into foreign languages.
  2. The author shall be entitled to a single publication of the article on his/her own Internet resource. In this case, the author shall reference the address of the first publication with an active hyperlink.
  3. In all the other cases, the author and third parties shall obtain preliminary consent of MetaQuotes Software Corp. for the publication of the article in other sources or at other Internet addresses."

I would start my own blog TBH.  

That is one idea, and probably at some point I will do something like that.  My question is more for what happens if, in that case, there was an article that I (or someone else) wrote and originally posted on that blog, but wanted to also post it on the MQ site(s).  Technically, the MQ site is not the site of first publication, and from that, I think, have no legal say on if the person wants to repeat the posting in other places as well.  But that is why I am asking here.  It seems to be clear on line 1 of the part I posted, but then, in this example case, the second could be considered to come into play.

I got the question first time :) Although my site isnt self hosted (yet), I find a good rule of thumb is to just avoid sites that want to take away rights to my own content, and don't get bogged down in the fine print.

Use your own content for yourself. Build it, and they will come... maybe. I would not waste time publishing articles at sites with such restrictive use for the author. Put it somewhere better. It's just a click/google search away..


I got the question first time :) Although my site isnt self hosted (yet), I find a good rule of thumb is to just avoid sites that want to take away rights to my own content, and don't get bogged down in the fine print.

Use your own content for yourself. Build it, and they will come... maybe. I would not waste time publishing articles at sites with such restrictive use for the author. Put it somewhere better. It's just a click/google search away..


Well, these articles can be a good source of information for people, and I am not opposed to making something I write available on here, but that might change down the road, depending on what MQ's ideas are on this.  My preference, if I have a say in it, is to post it elsewhere and help out people, but that shouldn't be taken that I do not want to also be able to help people here, which if these rules are like I think they want them to be, that might end up being the case.  There are still places that try to do this sort of thing, and while I do not have a problem posting a link for MQ if the article is also found there, if I choose to post it on more places than they say if I post it somewhere else first, I don't know.  Just mentally rambling here, sorry.