MT4 closes deals automaticly on demo account


Hello MT4 Community, i started using MT4 about a week ago, and i transfered 10000 units on my demo account, i started doing pretty well until (market with black box) the program closed the deals without being asked my approval. Can i somehow disable the automated thing or what? I didn't put any SL or TP stats, i just wanted to be manual as possible.


Suggestions anyone?



//As you see the first -3768.00 trade was done in 18th June, 05:30 in the morning, i was sleeping then, what the f triggered the program to close a bad deal? 


Seems to me that you were closed out?

Check your "Postkast"! Read and understand LCGs' Terms & Conditions, chapter 7: "INITIAL MARGIN REQUIREMENT AND CLOSE OUT OF OPEN TRANSACTIONS - METATRADER PLATFORM"


And where is that excatly? 


Hmmm, would have expected some message. but there is none. However, it is not really a question of the Metatrader program - you should never trade a product you don't fully understand.

Analyse what happened, learn about margin trading etc., don't be a noob! ;)

Were the two positions closed manually between 0:51 and 0:53 on 18th?


Yeah, like i said, i started a demo account, with 10 000 units deposited.. units, not euros/usd.

I had a few "real-money" deposit ideas on my head, but since this thing happened, im just wondering if anyone knows the answer/any guidance to give me.


 And no, the trades on 18th June 00:51 & 00:52.59 were not closed manually. 


I had a few "real-money" deposit ideas on my head, but since this thing happened, im just wondering if anyone knows the answer/any guidance to give me.

Did you bother to read what I pointed you to in the first place?

Hmmm, would have expected some message. but there is none. However, it is not really a question of the Metatrader program - you should never trade a product you don't fully understand.

Analyse what happened, learn about margin trading etc., don't be a noob! ;)

Were the two positions closed manually between 0:51 and 0:53 on 18th?

The only way to not "be a noob" is to ask questions, and learn things that you do not yet know.  I would think it is better to be aware that you do not know things and try to learn them than it would be to not know things, and just rush blindly ahead, especially when it can both make you and lose you a lot of money.
The only way to not "be a noob" is to ask questions, and learn things that you do not yet know.  I would think it is better to be aware that you do not know things and try to learn them than it would be to not know things, and just rush blindly ahead, especially when it can both make you and lose you a lot of money.
Agreed - I told in the first post that he got closed out, the user didn't show to try to understand what that means. And that's where the newbie, who is willing and able to learn, differs from the noob, who will possibly never learn.
Agreed - I told in the first post that he got closed out, the user didn't show to try to understand what that means. And that's where the newbie, who is willing and able to learn, differs from the noob, who will possibly never learn.
"Noob" and "newbie" both mean exactly the same thing.  All it is is a different way to spell it.  Anybody that says different is, for lack of a better term, wrong.  There are enough words out there that already mean mean things, no need to continue the misguided thoughts that this is yet one more of them.
JD4: "Noob" and "newbie" both mean exactly the same thing. 
Not the way PomeGranate stated. I must be "wrong." Your posts are beginning to look like you are a troll: Arrogant, Unhelpful, missed the point, argumentative, again and not helpful, after issue resolved, if(v=0){...} else {...} is unhelpful, style differences vs the topic - argumentative.
JD4: "Noob" and "newbie" both mean exactly the same thing. 
Not the way PomeGranate stated. I must be "wrong." Your posts are beginning to look like you are a troll: Arrogant, Unhelpful, missed the point, argumentative, again and not helpful, after issue resolved, if(v=0){...} else {...} is unhelpful, style differences vs the topic - argumentative.

Not being a troll at all, and if you would bother judging by all of my posts instead of the one that works for you calling me a troll, you would see that.  All I am trying to do in this case is stop an improper usage of a word from continuing.  As far as the issue being resolved, this was a suggestion to help prevent the issue from happening again in the future, if other people see this as a problem they are having, then they can come here and see what ideas others have suggested for possible solutions.  I am at a loss as how that is being "not helpful", since that is a valid way to help prevent this issue from happening in the first place.  So it's not the way you would have answered the post.  That is fine, I can live with that.