Why can't download the history data?


I searched on web and found histdata.com. 

However, I can not download the data successfully since some un-known issue although I can open the web pages.

Do you have the same experience and how to download successfully?

Or is there any other source for free history M1 data in good quality?

Thanks a lot for help. 


Checked histdata's offer, unproblematic download by clicking the link, e.g for 2014 on this page: <link removed by moderator>

Check this site for tickdata: <link removed by moderator>

Actually, I'm trying to get better data for strategy tester, too. Please report your experience!


Checked histdata's offer, unproblematic download by clicking the link, e.g for 2014 on this page: <link removed by moderator>

Check this site for tickdata: <link removed by moderator>

Actually, I'm trying to get better data for strategy tester, too. Please report your experience!

Which links? 


Which links? 

Links to commercial site are not allowed on this forum.
If you are having issues downloading information from another site, then your question would be better asked of that other site.  If you are trying to download historical data from here, then this is definitely a good place to ask.
angevoyageur: Links to commercial site are not allowed on this forum.
I disagree. https://www.mql5.com/en/users/register plainly says
Posting of advertising messages, spamming and flooding are forbidden.

but no where does it state that links to other sites (commercial or not) is forbidden.

I have previously posted links to the GRaB indicator. The site is commercial, the indicator is not. The link posted was in response to a post, therefor is was not unsolicited and not Spam.

If links to other sites is forbidden, then we get vague references to sites with vague references to pages on those sites. Asking posters to search those references is moronic.

I disagree. https://www.mql5.com/en/users/register plainly says

but no where does it state that links to other sites (commercial or not) is forbidden.

I have previously posted links to the GRaB indicator. The site is commercial, the indicator is not. The link posted was in response to a post, therefor is was not unsolicited and not Spam.

If links to other sites is forbidden, then we get vague references to sites with vague references to pages on those sites. Asking posters to search those references is moronic.

Advertising is not allowed, I consider a link to a commercial site as advertising (even if it's not the intention). I don't always have time to check all posts, so it can happen some links remain.