MQL4 site changes unwamted with MQL5 site


When in login with my account (let’s say "John") on in the MT4 website ( I give a password I land on the MLQ4 site. So far so good.

The next click on for instance on “BLOGS” or “CODEBASE” brings me unquestioned on the MLQ5 website - where I don't want to be - and there I am outside the community unless I login in again.  

Why is this the case? I want MT4 stuff! No possibility, a button or so – as far as I see – to turn back to the MLQ4 site. This is confusing and it is impossible to get back to the MLQ4 site without starting again.

Even changing a password is not possible anymore: I am redirected to the MLQ5 site???

I’m running in circles on the two sites. Who will bring some light in this “navigation” mess?


When in login with my account (let’s say "John") on in the MT4 website ( I give a password I land on the MLQ4 site. So far so good.

The next click on for instance on “BLOGS” or “CODEBASE” brings me unquestioned on the MLQ5 website - where I don't want to be - and there I am outside the community unless I login in again.  

Why is this the case? I want MT4 stuff! No possibility, a button or so – as far as I see – to turn back to the MLQ4 site. This is confusing and it is impossible to get back to the MLQ4 site without starting again.

Even changing a password is not possible anymore: I am redirected to the MLQ5 site???

I’m running in circles on the two sites. Who will bring some light in this “navigation” mess?

I open the mql5 stuff in another tab or window, so I an still connected to the mq4 forum

When in login with my account (let’s say "John") on in the MT4 website ( I give a password I land on the MLQ4 site. So far so good.

The next click on for instance on “BLOGS” or “CODEBASE” brings me unquestioned on the MLQ5 website - where I don't want to be - and there I am outside the community unless I login in again.  

Why is this the case? I want MT4 stuff! No possibility, a button or so – as far as I see – to turn back to the MLQ4 site. This is confusing and it is impossible to get back to the MLQ4 site without starting again.

Even changing a password is not possible anymore: I am redirected to the MLQ5 site???

I’m running in circles on the two sites. Who will bring some light in this “navigation” mess?

You still don't realize it yet? Documentation, Book & TA are the only thing which is inside MT4 website. The rest is meant to be inside MT5 website (you need to register and login separately though).