
I made a small script which should tell me if a horizontal line is visible in the current timeframe. The line I plotted is only visible on H1 but whatever timeframe I choose I always get "true" as a response.  I doubt that bool is the correct initialization because there are no timeframe-flags as a result. Can someone help? Thanks!!

void OnStart()
   bool lineVisible = ObjectGet("test", OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES);
mar: I always get "true" as a response.




Value can be one or combination (bitwise addition) of object visibility constants to set/get timeframe object property

PROP_TIMEFRAMES returns a bitmask 1=M1, 2=M5, 64=D1... Since it is visible, the int value is non-zero and non-zero is "always" true

I don't know if this is the best way to do it.

I've only tested it a little, so please give it a try

void OnStart()
   bool lineVisible=false;
   if( ObjectFind(0,"test")<0)
   int obj_timeframe=(int)ObjectGet("test",OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES);

      int y=0;
         case PERIOD_M1:  y=7;  break;
         case PERIOD_M5:  y=6;  break;
         case PERIOD_M15: y=5;  break;
         case PERIOD_M30: y=4;  break;
         case PERIOD_H1:  y=3;  break;
         case PERIOD_H4:  y=2;  break;
         case PERIOD_D1:  y=1;  break;
         case PERIOD_W1:  y=0;  break;

      uchar x=(uchar)obj_timeframe;


Hey guys, thanks for the help!

GumRai, it works perfect! I try to figure out why you separate the monthly from the other timeframes and what the part with uchar means. I think that it because of the bitmask but I want to figure out what exactly it does. Pretty crazy that so much coding is necessary just to check if an object is visible in a particular timeframe.


Hey guys, thanks for the help!

GumRai, it works perfect! I try to figure out why you separate the monthly from the other timeframes and what the part with uchar means. I think that it because of the bitmask but I want to figure out what exactly it does. Pretty crazy that so much coding is necessary just to check if an object is visible in a particular timeframe.

I did it that way as I have no clue how to work with hexadecimal numbers

uchar is a single byte and can only hold 8 timeframes and if it is visible on the monthly tf


 will exceed the maximum value (255) that can be stored in a byte.

As I said, it may not be the best way to do it, but it seemed an interesting puzzle and I enjoyed trying to solve it within my knowledge boundaries. 

Nicely done GumRai.
Nicely done GumRai.

Thank you,

that's a really nice comment :) 


If it is the best way to do it or not, it works perfect for me. And thank you for the explanation. :)

Maybe WHRoeder could show how to do it with hexadecimal values that you can also profit from this thread. 


If it is the best way to do it or not, it works perfect for me. And thank you for the explanation. :)

Maybe WHRoeder could show how to do it with hexadecimal values that you can also profit from this thread. 

I already benefited from this thread. I had to think about how to apply my knowledge to solve the problem. It made such a nice change from most queries that have been repeated so many times.

Just for fun.

By the way I found 2 bugs in the process, see comments (first one already found by Gumrai)

input string   objname="test";
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   long objTimeframes=0;

//--- Get visibility property of the object
      long mask=-1;
      //--- set mask from period
         case PERIOD_M1 : mask=0x0001; break;         // The object is drawn in 1-minute chart
         case PERIOD_M5 : mask=0x0002; break;         // The object is drawn in 5-minute chart
         case PERIOD_M15: mask=0x0004; break;         // The object is drawn in 15-minute chart
         case PERIOD_M30: mask=0x0008; break;         // The object is drawn in 30-minute chart
         case PERIOD_H1 : mask=0x0010; break;         // The object is drawn in 1-hour chart
         case PERIOD_H4 : mask=0x0020; break;         // The object is drawn in 4-hour chart
         case PERIOD_D1 : mask=0x0040; break;         // The object is drawn in day charts
         case PERIOD_W1 : mask=0x0080; break;         // The object is drawn in week charts
         case PERIOD_MN1: mask=0x0100; break;         // The object is drawn in month charts     
      //--- check mask. Special cases : 
      //---    1° BUG 1: if "Show on all timeframes" is enabled, objTimeframes=0 is returned and not '0x01ff' as stated in documentation.
      //---    2° BUG 2: it's not possible with MT4 to disable "Show on all timeframes" without enabled at least 1 period ;
      //---              but it's possible to set it to -1 with mql4. In this case, MT4 object properties window will display erroneously "Show on all timeframes" enabled.
      if(objTimeframes==0 || (objTimeframes!=-1 && (objTimeframes&mask)==mask))
         printf("Object %s is visible on this chart %s",objname,EnumToString(period));
         printf("Object %s exists but is not visible on this chart %s",objname,EnumToString(period));
//--- ObjectGetInteger error processing
      int err=GetLastError();
         printf("Object %s doesn't exist!",objname);
         printf("Error(%i) whily getting properties of %s",err,objname);
66479_1.mq4  4 kb
  1. WHRoeder:




    Value can be one or combination (bitwise addition) of object visibility constants to set/get timeframe object property

    PROP_TIMEFRAMES returns a bitmask 1=M1, 2=M5, 64=D1... Since it is visible, the int value is non-zero and non-zero is "always" true

    GumRai: I did it that way as I have no clue how to work with hexadecimal numbers

    mar: Maybe WHRoeder could show how to do it with hexadecimal values that you can also profit from this thread. 
    int TFmask = ObjectGet("test",OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES);
    if(TFmask & OBJ_PERIOD_H1 != 0) Print("Visible on H1");
    //        ^ Bitwise Operations - MQL4 Documentation

  2. Don't hard code numbers.
             case PERIOD_M1 : mask=0x0001; break;         // The object is drawn in 1-minute chart
             case PERIOD_M5 : mask=0x0002; break;         // The object is drawn in 5-minute chart
             case PERIOD_M15: mask=0x0004; break;         // The object is drawn in 15-minute chart
             case PERIOD_M30: mask=0x0008; break;         // The object is drawn in 30-minute chart
             case PERIOD_H1 : mask=0x0010; break;         // The object is drawn in 1-hour chart
             case PERIOD_H4 : mask=0x0020; break;         // The object is drawn in 4-hour chart
             case PERIOD_D1 : mask=0x0040; break;         // The object is drawn in day charts
             case PERIOD_W1 : mask=0x0080; break;         // The object is drawn in week charts
             case PERIOD_MN1: mask=0x0100; break;         // The object is drawn in month charts     
    Write self-documenting code.
    enum eTF         = { eTF_M1,        eTF_M5,        eTF_M15,        eTF_M30, 
                         eTF_H1,        eTF_H4,        eTF_D1,         eTF_W1,        eTF_MN1, 
                         eTF_COUNT }
    int periods[]    = { PERIOD_M1,     PERIOD_M5,     PERIOD,M15,     PERIOD_M30
                         PERIOD_H1,     PERIOD_H4,     PERIOD_D1,      PERIOD_W1,     PERIOD_MN1 }
    int visibility[] = { OBJ_PERIOD_M1, OBJ_PERIOD_M5, OBJ_PERIOD,M15, OBJ_PERIOD_M30
                         OBJ_PERIOD_H1, OBJ_PERIOD_H4, OBJ_PERIOD_D1,  OBJ_PERIOD_W1, OBJ_PERIOD_MN1 }
    int TfToPeriod(eTF tf){
       return periods[eTF];
    eTF PeriodToTf(int period = PERIOD_CURRENT){
       if (period == PERIOD_CURRENT) period = _period;
       enum tf = eTF_M1; 
       while(periods[tf] != period) ++tf;
       return tf;
    int PeriodToVisibility(int period = PERIOD_CURRENT){
       return visibility[ PeriodToTf(period) ];