Can't draw basic rectangle

//|                                             single rectangle.mq4 |
#property copyright "Chart Shapes 2014©"
#property version   "1.00"

//| Script program start function                                    |
string shape ="myRectangle";
int windowIndex = 0;
datetime P1_day = D'2014.12.18 00:57:00';
datetime P2_day = D'2014.12.18 02:08:00';
double price1 = 1.23389;
double price2 = 1.22885;

bool ObjectCreate(shape, myObjectType, windowIndex, P1_day, price1, P2_day ,price2);

void OnStart()

The aim is simple: draw a rectangle. I understand that I need only two points to plot it: a pair of date/price. I will attempt to fill with color and play with other properties, but first....this basic code won't work. It generates 1 error and 1 warning:

1) "expressions are not allowed ona global scope" (referring to Line 18 "bool ObjectCreate...")

2) missing ')' before ';' referring to Line 18 "...P2_day, price2); ...............don't know! I clearly see the semicolon there!

void OnStart()
   ObjectCreate(shape, myObjectType, windowIndex, P1_day, price1, P2_day ,price2);

Create the object in start() or init()