zero divide problem


So im trying to get % of the candle body to candle rande, im getting this error zero divide and the ea stops trading.

How can i fix that?

Thanks Piero


So im trying to get % of the candle body to candle rande, im getting this error zero divide and the ea stops trading.

How can i fix that?

Thanks Piero



Find out why this is 0 (not ini,...)

void start()
      double PCS,PCL,
             CandleBody1 ,CB1,
             UpperWick1  ,UW1,
             LowerWick1  ,LW1,
             BodyRange1  ,BR1;
      double CO1=iOpen (NULL,0,1);
      double CH1=iHigh (NULL,0,1);
      double CL1=iLow  (NULL,0,1);
      double CC1=iClose(NULL,0,1);
//|  Candle Range High to Low Last Candle                |
//|  Candle Body Open to Close Last Candle               |
      {CB1=CO1-CC1;CandleBody1 =MathAbs(CB1/Point);}
//|  Upper Wick Last Candle                              |
//|  Lower Wick Current Last Candle                              |
//|  Body to Range in % Last Candle                      |
//|  Comment on Chart Last Candle                        |
      {Comment("Previous Candle","\n",
              "Candle Range   ",CandleRange1,"\n",
              "Candle Body    ",CandleBody1,"\n",
              "Upper Wick      ",UpperWick1,"\n",
              "Lower Wick      ",LowerWick1,"\n",
              "Body to Range   ",BodyRange1,"%","\n");

If body of the candel is Open=Close i have a 0 and dividing is the error. how i get around it do i have to say CandleBody>0

If Open=Close in the Body then the % to the range (High Low) should be 0% I understand u cant divid through 0 and i get the error

Please help im so ?????????


Just make something like

 if (Open==Close)var1=0;

If body of the candel is Open=Close i have a 0 and dividing is the error. how i get around it do i have to say CandleBody>0

If Open=Close in the Body then the % to the range (High Low) should be 0% I understand u cant divid through 0 and i get the error

Please help im so ?????????

1) CandleBody = fmax(Point,fabs(Open-Close)); // there will be at least 1 Point difference, you can even try fmax(0.5*Point,..) it depends what you want.

2) If ( CandleBody== 0.0 ) CandleBody = x; // what ever your ideas need


Just make something like

{CB1=CO1-CC1;CandleBody1 =MathAbs(CB1/Point);}
That where i get the 0 from when Open==Close, CandleBody1==0 and the MathAbs create a error, logic
0*100=0 and 0/any volume=0 all that=error
i allready say it is 0 why doing it again with
if (Open==Close)var1=0;
it came out to be the same result error
im still confusde here.
Thanks for you response.

Actually, if there is zero divide, what is your solution?

if (Open==Close)var1=0; 


if (Open==Close){ do something here }

It really depends on what you want to do.


You could do something like this

As I remember 0 candle values (HLOCV) mean that history is not (yet) loaded. I don't know any programming solution for loading history, only hacks, workarounds.

Check the values for 0 before use. When 0 wait and try again later.


Thank you you very much for all your response and that sames to fix the problem as you see,

thanks Piero

void start()
      double PCS,PCL,
             CandleBody1 ,CB1,
             UpperWick1  ,UW1,
             LowerWick1  ,LW1,
             BodyRange1  ,BR1;
      double CO1=iOpen (NULL,0,1);
      double CH1=iHigh (NULL,0,1);
      double CL1=iLow  (NULL,0,1);
      double CC1=iClose(NULL,0,1);
//|  Candle Range High to Low Last Candle                            |
//|  Candle Body Open to Close Last Candle                           |
      {CB1=CO1-CC1;CandleBody1 =MathAbs(CB1/Point);}
//|  Upper Wick Last Candle                                          |
//|  Lower Wick Current Last Candle                                  |
//|  Body to Range in % Last Candle                                  |
//|  Comment on Chart Last Candle                                    |
      {Comment("Previous Candle","\n",
              "Candle Range   ",CandleRange1,"\n",
              "Candle Body    ",CandleBody1,"\n",
              "Upper Wick      ",UpperWick1,"\n",
              "Lower Wick      ",LowerWick1,"\n",
              "Body to Range   ",BodyRange1,"%","\n");