time difference betwen two prices - page 2

thank you for the quick reply. I had the same idea to count the ticks per minute but how to do that ? 
Ticks per minute is basically Volume[n]. MT4 can register a tick without a price change, but in essence the number of ticks in the current minute is simply iVolume(NULL, PERIOD_M1, 0)
Ticks per minute is basically Volume[n]. MT4 can register a tick without a price change, but in essence the number of ticks in the current minute is simply iVolume(NULL, PERIOD_M1, 0)
thanks for your reply but I changed the topic. Actually I want to know how to catch the time between two prices. For example : 

I have the firstPrice = 1.355 and the secondPrice is the firstPrice - || + the differce (unterschied in german) and then I want to catch the time between this to prices 
You can try but if you are on 5 digits broker, the time differences would be in ms (milliseconds), not just in seconds.
albo111: I want to know how to catch the time between two prices. For example :  I have the firstPrice = 1.355 and the secondPrice is the firstPrice - || + the differce (unterschied in german) and then I want to catch the time between this to prices
Save the TimeCurrent() when you capture both prices. What's the problem?
thanks for your reply but I changed the topic. Actually I want to know how to catch the time between two prices. For example : 

I have the firstPrice = 1.355 and the secondPrice is the firstPrice - || + the differce (unterschied in german) and then I want to catch the time between this to prices 

A shot in the dark...

   int i;
   int pips=5;
   double factor;
   if(_Digits==2 || _Digits==3) factor=100;
   else                         factor=10000;
   static datetime time_then=TimeCurrent();
   static double price_then=Close[0];
   datetime time_now;
   double price_now = Close[0];
   int price_change = factor*(price_now-price_then);
   if(price_change==pips || price_change==-pips)
      Alert(_Symbol," time elapsed for last ",(string)pips," pip price change ",TimeToString(time_now-time_then,TIME_SECONDS));

   pips = 20;
   if(_Digits==2 || _Digits==3) factor=0.01;
   else                         factor=0.0001;
      double price_1=iClose(NULL,PERIOD_M1,5000);
      datetime time_1=iTime(NULL,PERIOD_M1,5000);
      double price_2 = price_1+pips*factor;
      double price_3 = price_1-pips*factor;
      double price_4 = iClose(NULL,PERIOD_M1,i);
      datetime time_2;
      if(price_4>=price_2 || price_4<=price_3)
         Print(_Symbol," time elapsed for last ",(string)pips," pip price change ",TimeToString(time_2-time_1,TIME_MINUTES));