Drawing a horizontal line



I'm a really newbie and I would like not to chase you!

I'm able to draw lines using ObjectCreate command.

Here is an example to draw a line  on yesterday's high.

long chart_id=ChartID();

string daily_high="Daily_high";

ObjectCreate(chart_id,daily_high, OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1,1), 0, 0,0,0);  


I would like to know if it is possible to draw a line  referring to the "High value" between 00.00 and 07.00 am of the current day.



HenryMiller:  I would like to know if it is possible to draw a line  referring to the "High value" between 00.00 and 07.00 am of the current day.
  1. Don't paste code
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  2. Of course it's possible. Use a trend line.
    #define HR2400 (PERIOD_D1 * 60)  // 86400 = 24 * 3600
    int      TimeOfDay(datetime when=0){      if(when == 0)  when = TimeCurrent();
                                              return( when % HR2400 );            }
    datetime DateOfDay(datetime when=0){      if(when == 0)  when = TimeCurrent();
                                              return( when - TimeOfDay(when) );   }
    //datetime Tomorrow( datetime when=0){      if(when == 0)  when = TimeCurrent();
    //                                          return(DateOfDay(when) + HR2400);   }
    //datetime Yesterday(datetime when=0){      if(when == 0)  when = TimeCurrent();
    //   int iD1 = iBarShift(NULL, PERIOD_D1, DateOfDay(when) - 1);
    //                                       return( iTime(NULL, PERIOD_D1, iD1) ); }

       #define HR0700 25200 // 7 * 3600
       datetime bod = DateOfDay();
       datetime AM7 = bod + HR0700;
       double   HighD1 = iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1,1);
       ObjectCreate(chart_id,daily_high, OBJ_TLINE, 0, bod,     HighD1,            AM7, HighD1,0,0);
       ObjectSet(daily_high, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
    // ObjectCreate(chart_id,daily_high, OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1,1), 0, 0,0,0);

if it is possible to draw a line  referring to the "High value" between 00.00 and 07.00 am of the current day.

Look up iHighest().

Timeframe would be H1.

Type would be MODE_HIGH. 

Count would be 7.

Start would be hour of day minus 7.

Then iHigh() and iTime() for H1 and the value from iHighest().


  1. Play video
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  2. Of course it's possible. Use a trend line.
    #define HR2400 (PERIOD_D1 * 60)  // 86400 = 24 * 3600
    int      TimeOfDay(datetime when=0){      if(when == 0)  when = TimeCurrent();
                                              return( when % HR2400 );            }
    datetime DateOfDay(datetime when=0){      if(when == 0)  when = TimeCurrent();
                                              return( when - TimeOfDay(when) );   }
    //datetime Tomorrow( datetime when=0){      if(when == 0)  when = TimeCurrent();
    //                                          return(DateOfDay(when) + HR2400);   }
    //datetime Yesterday(datetime when=0){      if(when == 0)  when = TimeCurrent();
    //   int iD1 = iBarShift(NULL, PERIOD_D1, DateOfDay(when) - 1);
    //                                       return( iTime(NULL, PERIOD_D1, iD1) ); }

       #define HR0700 25200 // 7 * 3600
       datetime bod = DateOfDay();
       datetime AM7 = bod + HR0700;
       double   HighD1 = iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1,1);
       ObjectCreate(chart_id,daily_high, OBJ_TLINE, 0, bod,     HighD1,            AM7, HighD1,0,0);
       ObjectSet(daily_high, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
    // ObjectCreate(chart_id,daily_high, OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1,1), 0, 0,0,0);

Thank you very much. I will try it now.


Look up iHighest().

Timeframe would be H1.

Type would be MODE_HIGH. 

Count would be 7.

Start would be hour of day minus 7.

Then iHigh() and iTime() for H1 and the value from iHighest().



Thank you very much. I will try it now.