Meta editor


My meta editor isn't working correctly, compiling doesn't work sometimes. Do i need to get a 'fresh' meta editor file, or is there some repair possible?




My meta editor isn't working correctly, compiling doesn't work sometimes. Do i need to get a 'fresh' meta editor file, or is there some repair possible?



What does that mean ?
Ed1210: doesn't work sometimes.
"Doesn't work" is meaningless - just like saying the car doesn't work. Doesn't start, won't go in gear, no electrical, missing the key, flat tires - meaningless. There are no mind readers here.
Helpful answer...
Ed1210: Helpful answer...
Moronic question.
Helpful answer...
If you hope an helpful answer, please provide more details, it's not possible to answer you otherwise. What "doesn't work mean" ? It doesn't compile at all ? It compiles wrongly ? What code are trying to compile ? Which build are you using ? Which error message did you get ? ...
angevoyageur: please provide more details, it's not possible to answer you otherwise.
You asked him, now twice
I asked him, now twice.