[Add Watch] seem not work?



In my memory,it can work well long time ago when i use this function.

but recently,i back to modify a old program,

When i put var into [Add Watch],

its value  always show "Expression could not  be evaluated".

Whats wrong?

Thanks in advance.


show the relevant code using SRC

i can't seem to find a function/command called Add Watch

It works fine in Editor 946

I have this problem as well. Is there no solution? :(

Values are defenitely in scope and i also tried:

class CFix { } ExtFix;

It is still not working. Any suggestions?

RichPiano: I have this problem as well. Is there no solution? :(

Values are defenitely in scope and i also tried:

class CFix { } ExtFix;

  1. Solution to what? You haven't stated a problem. The debugger works just fine in build 1090


Thank you for your answer.

Howerver 1) why does my editor not work then?

Meta Editor interface while testing an indicator

2) It does compile perfectly well on my computer. It's a legit way to declare classes or structs? Have you tested it?

I have a different build though. Version 5.00 build 1601, last updated on May 19. Maybe this is an issue but I don't see how..

My version


Howerver 1) why does my editor not work then?

2) It does compile perfectly well on my computer. It's a legit way to declare classes or structs? Have you tested it?

I have a different build though. Version 5.00 build 1601, last updated on May 19. Maybe this is an issue but I don't see how..

  1. How should we know? We don't have your code.
  2. OK
  3. That's not the MT4 build number, (the terminal,) That's the editor's number same for MT4 (1090) and MT5.

Ok I have the same MT4 build number (1090).

But judging from the screenshot alone isn't it weird that I can't even display i, the counting variable? how would the rest of my code even contribute to that failure?

I also tested it on MetaQuotes code and it doesn't work either. So I guess I'm doing something completely wrong. I just don't know what. Here's what I did:

1. Place stop point with F9 somewhere

2. Run code in debug mode. It stops at stop point.

3. I add variables (in scope) to my watchlist. they fail to show.

Where did I mess this up? :/

That's all there is. Try clicking under the expression (Ausdruck) header an manually type in the variable name.
Thanks but that didn't work. Well, I guess I have to go back to classic means for bugfixing. printf() and stuff... :()