Bug in Build 646?? - re: Bars function and for loop - very very weird!


Hello MQL4 folks - I've been coding in MQL4 for a long time... this morning I was writing some code and noticed some very weird behaviour...... in the end I wrote a billy basic test routine and quite frankly I can't explain what on earth is going on here...  

Try this:- 

int OnInit()


int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])


void Do_Calc()
int p;
int b=Bars;
Print ("Bars=",Bars);
Print ("Test");
for (p=0; p<b; p++)
      Print (p);


Experts output:

experts op 


Errr..... OK ...  so the print statement were skipped and the loop jumps straight to 297....  I can't explain this at all... doesn't seem logical.


If you change the max iteration value in the loop to an integer such as 100... the program runs OK - so code mod to:-

 void Do_Calc()
int p;
int b=Bars;
Print ("Bars=",Bars);
Print ("Test");
for (p=0; p<100; p++)
      Print (p);

experts op:



So it appears there's a bug to do with the Bars function.... has this been deprecated?? 


MQL4 Ref makes direct reference to Bars in for loop..... 


Doesn't seem to work so well in Build 646 - tried rebooting machine - purging memory - copying code to new indy... makes no sense at all! 


I haven't studied your post in depth.

Always check the actual experts log file. Whole swathes are often missed in the experts tab.


I haven't studied your post in depth.

Always check the actual experts log file. Whole swathes are often missed in the experts tab.

OK - fair enough - I gave up trying to work out why it wasn't displayed in the experts tab and just carried on coding - things seem to be operating normally - it's just a bit irritating when you're debugging if print statements and loop contents don't get accurately reported in experts... I didn't know the experts tab sometimes misses program output data....good tip to check the log... I've been coding mql4 since 2007 so it's good to learn something new. Cheers
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  2. Look in the log FILE