Get time value of last zag and zag



Could somebody helt me get the time of the last zig and zag value. I have this to find the value:

      int m5, x5;     //Her er det egentlig m, x men jeg førte også på valutaparet
      if(zig5>0) zag5=zig5;
      zig5=iCustom(NULL, 5, "ZigZag",ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep,0, x5); // husk å bruke rett timeframe
      if(zig5>0) m5+=1;

When I have the time I will use iBarshift to find the barshift:

      zag5Barshift = iBarShift(NULL,0,timezag5);
      zig5Barshift = iBarShift(NULL,0,timezig5);
  1. IBarShift takes a TIME and give you the SHIFT. If you already have the shift just use Time[shift]
  2. Just get the last two non-zero zigzag shifts and you're done - no iBarShift needed.
    for(x5 = 0; x5 < Bars; x5++){
       zig5=iCustom(NULL, 5, "ZigZag",ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep,0, x5); // husk å bruke rett timeframe
       if(zig5 != 0.) break;
    for(m5 = x5+1; m5 < Bars; m5++){
       zig5=iCustom(NULL, 5, "ZigZag",ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep,0, m5); // husk å bruke rett timeframe
       if(zig5 != 0.) break;
    Print("last two are at ", 
          m5, "<", Time[m5], "> and ", 
          x5,"<", Time[x5], ">");

Great! I then wantet to use the time and shift values further in my EA so I created TimeAtZig,TimeAtZag,BarAtZig,BarAtZag and BarDifference like this. I guess thats the way to to it but I'm just learning:-) In case somebody else need it:

double zig5;
double zag5; 
double TimeAtZig;
double TimeAtZag;
int BarAtZig ;
int BarAtZag ;
int BarDifference;
int ExtDepth=5; // zigzag indicator
int ExtDeviation=5;
int ExtBackstep=3;

//| script program start function                                    |
int start()
      int m5, x5;     //Her er det egentlig m, x men jeg førte også på valutaparet
      if(zig5>0) zag5=zig5;
      zig5=iCustom(NULL, 5, "ZigZag",ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep,0, x5); // husk å bruke rett timeframe
      if(zig5>0) m5+=1;
      for(x5 = 0; x5 < Bars; x5++){
      zig5=iCustom(NULL, 5, "ZigZag",ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep,0, x5); 
      if(zig5 != 0.) break;
      for(m5 = x5+1; m5 < Bars; m5++){
      zig5=iCustom(NULL, 5, "ZigZag",ExtDepth,ExtDeviation,ExtBackstep,0, m5);
      if(zig5 != 0.) break;
      TimeAtZig = Time[m5];
      TimeAtZag = Time[x5];
      BarAtZig = m5;
      BarAtZag = x5;
      BarDifference = BarAtZig - BarAtZag;       
      Alert( "TimeAtZig ", TimeToStr(TimeAtZig, TIME_SECONDS)," TimeAtZag ",TimeToStr(TimeAtZag,TIME_SECONDS));
      Alert( "BarAtZig ", BarAtZig,"  BarAtZag ",BarAtZag, " BarDifference " , BarDifference);