New MT4+5 Problems - Suggestions


I am aware of the New MT4+MT5 and having many problems. It seems to be working now on both of my HP

Laptop computers. I also know it is going to take some time just to learn the ins and outs of this thing. I have been reading

some articles on it and from what I see is, it pretty much has imported a lot of MT5 features into it. Using different directories

and folders is the very obvious. Right now my question is, can you still copy and paste? Wasn't able to. Also I couldn't even

undo a small change that I made to some code. Any ideas or answers to these 2 problems? And where do you suggest I

continue studying to learn this darn thing as quickly as possible? Links? Help?


I am aware of the New MT4+MT5 and having many problems. It seems to be working now on both of my HP

Laptop computers. I also know it is going to take some time just to learn the ins and outs of this thing. I have been reading

some articles on it and from what I see is, it pretty much has imported a lot of MT5 features into it. Using different directories

and folders is the very obvious. Right now my question is, can you still copy and paste? Wasn't able to. Also I couldn't even

undo a small change that I made to some code. Any ideas or answers to these 2 problems? And where do you suggest I

continue studying to learn this darn thing as quickly as possible? Links? Help?

I wouldn't say many problems ... rather many changes. Like you said the obvious is different folder structure. Followed by ANSI vs UNICODE strings. And lastly people trying to recompile instead of using old_ex4. I get most of my information by reading the forum . However, any newer Articles and the Documentation would be of interest to you.
