Some help needed - page 6


I don't have all answers. Sometimes, I was also rude and that can again arrives, nobody is perfect. But if we agree that this forum can be improved, especially on the atmosphere issue, we will find a way to do it. And all users are welcomed to participate to this improvements, particularly WHRoder, RaptorUK as they were named, but every active user.

You know, every day, I begin to reply to some post and after some reflections, I simply discard my answer. No need for sarcasm or negative posts, I am working on that every day. And I understand very well why WHRoeder is sometimes rude, it's not always easy for an advanced user/programmer to understand other people. But we have to move forward and try to make this forum a better place to communicate about trading, programming and all being related.

Well no-one is perfect. If enough people are complaining, we as moderators need-to do something different.

We're in agreement that something needs to be done, the details can be sort out in private.


ubzen I think you are missing the point.

A) This is not about prohibiting topics. Its not even about being nice. Its about not being rude. Neutral is fine!

B) its about acknowledging that just because some people are not long time MQL4 contributors they might be just as knowledgeable, if not more, in other aspects of software development so at least try to understand what the are saying before making assumptions that one knows betters.

(I've had enough experiences of this, and I think it just shows the there is no real desire to be collaborative on this forum by some members. The result is, it makes me less likely to want to highlight anything here that might be of interest to others, because it just feels like someone is waiting in the wings to shout it down rather than have a discussion )

And I think its also about certain members getting out of the incredibly rude habit of shouting FALSE! in big capital letters, as if they are wetting themselves with excitement at the opportunity to poke holes in what other people are saying whilst elsewhere telling people not to shout.

Personally I've no problems with RaptorUK nor his approach to others (although some exchanges about why the Service Desk is on mql5 forum seem to drag on a bit too long :) ),

C) Also about being overly pedentic in terms of code formatting. When 3 lines of MQL are posted, formatted clearly in Courier, and someone replies use SRC but also doesn't bother to answer their question even though they could and the OP was perfectly readable!


ubzen I think you are missing the point.

A) This is not about prohibiting topics. Its not even about being nice. Its about not being rude. Neutral is fine!

B) its about acknowledging that just because some people are not long time MQL4 contributors they might be just as knowledgeable, if not more, in other aspects of software development so at least try to understand what the are saying before making assumptions that one knows betters.

(I've had enough experiences of this, and I think it just shows the there is no real desire to be collaborative on this forum by some members. The result is, it makes me less likely to want to highlight anything here that might be of interest to others, because it just feels like someone is waiting in the wings to shout it down rather than have a discussion )

And I think its also about certain members getting out of the incredibly rude habit of shouting FALSE! in big capital letters, as if they are wetting themselves with excitement at the opportunity to poke holes in what other people are saying whist elsewhere telling people not to shout.

Personally I've no problems with RaptorUK nor his approach to others (although some exchanges about why the Service Desk is on mql5 forum seem to drag on a bit too long :) ),

From a moderation point-of-view, how are we suppose to in-force being rude. In your above example, would you recommend someone gets ban because they shout FALSE? If thats the case, I can add shouting FALSE to my list. Everyone has an agenda ... I've been upon this forum long enough to know that. One member might feel the new-posters should be treated as newbies. Another poster might feel that new-poster should be treated as advanced.

The people responding to that post have to make a judgment call (based upon the information provided within the post). Any mis-judgment in sizing someone's ability up leads to them taking offense. "Oh why does he tell me to search" || "does he think I don't understand arrays". You've already heard the arguments of other people who believe we should be treating posters as newbies.

Personally, I think its time for the active members to take a back-seat and lets see how the rest of you guys handle it.


In defence of Raptor, I believe that he can be blunt at times, but usually not outright rude.

I don't really see a problem with his style, but I see time and time again that he takes the time to answer a question and the op totally ignores it.

Maybe it is because he doesn't always answer the question directly, but gives the op a nudge in the right direction. This means that the op may have to put in a little thought to arrive at the complete answer and there is nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately so many can't be bothered to try to extend themselves and simply want the solution handed to them on a plate.

I think that Raptor's approach is a good way, give a nudge, make the asker think and help him/her become a better coder.


Look at this topic

My response

"When the markets are moving fast 10 points slippage ( usually equates to 1 pip) is not enough"

next post by op

"it doea what i want to. But not every time, mostly when the price is volatile."

My post was totally ignored

Is it ant wonder that some posters get jaded?


Read slowly >> No one asked moderators to enforce anything (that I recall). I was just highlighting how I feel about these forums. And how it makes me decide not to contribute as much as I otherwise would. And others clearly feel the same.

Even this discussion might have helped - who knows.

Personally, I think its time for the active members to take a back-seat and lets see who the rest of you guys handle it.

I feel the above comment just re-inforces the whole cliquishness/elitest feel of the forum, however I'm pretty sure that there wouldn't be much change to be honest, apart from a better atmosphere :) None of us are indispensable!

There a many times I don't bother to answer more straight forward MQL questions because I know that someone would come along and answer it regardless.

Chances are I'd bet you'd be surprised that "the rest of you guys" could handle it just fine - shouldn't a moderator be encouraging everyone to participate in a positive way?

Ridiculing the discussion with your Ban-List doesnt really help does it? I'm not sure you even understand the issue fully? Maybe re-read JimDandys post?

PS "Enforcement" is not the only tool in a moderators tool box.

As I've said twice before - I have no real problems with RaptorUK's posts.

Read slowly >> No one asked moderators to enforce anything (that I recall). I was just highlighting how I feel about these forums. And how it makes me decide not to contribute as much as I otherwise would. And others clearly feel the same.

Even this discussion might have helped - who knows.

I feel the above comment just re-inforces the whole cliquishness/elitest feel of the forum, however I'm pretty sure that there wouldn't be much change to be honest, apart from a better atmosphere :) None of us are indispensable!

There a many times I don't bother to answer more straight forward MQL questions because I know that someone would come along and answer it regardless.

Chances are I'd bet you'd be surprised that "the rest of you guys" could handle it just fine - shouldn't a moderator be encouraging everyone to participate in a positive way?

Ridiculing the discussion with your Ban-List doesnt really help does it? I'm not sure you even understand the issue fully? Maybe re-read JimDandys post?

PS "Enforcement" is not the only tool in a moderators tool box.

As I've said twice before - I have no real problems with RaptorUK's posts.

I have read your post slowly. And this one jumps out at me.

There a many times I don't bother to answer more straight forward MQL questions because I know that someone would come along and answer it regardless.

Really? Leaving a question you can answer to someone else doesn't seem cliquishness/elitist to you?

Would you have us believe that your skills/time is too good wasted on basic questions?

Spare me the clichés. If someone wants to truly help, they help and ignore the drama.

This topic is clearly calling for moderation ... otherwise, whats the purpose of all this complaining?


Did the reply to Jimdandy bothered you that much?

That's too bad.Everything he said is sadly true.

I'm just curious how long before my posts get deleted again.

Bother me ? perhaps you didn't read what I wrote . . . I said your and Jimdandy's participation was a good thing . . . keep doing it. Help more . . . I'm happy if you do.
Just for the record, Sometimes RaptorUK is polite too!
LOL, thank you just for the record, I am always polite, any perceived rudeness is in the eye of the reader.

Go read that whole topic and tell me what it is I'm doing wrong ....

did i say or wrote " you'll never get it done so pay up ".

leave the words in its contest they were written

no he asked me for the program i made to get it for free

it was not my intention to sell it

it was my intention helping him making that program on its own

if people want others programming their programs then they can go to Jobs

(and ofcours now they also can wait for the moment thrdel is making it for them )

You are doing nothing wrong, it's just a misunderstanding probably brought about by haste.