How can I make the new MT4 (Build 600) Portable? - page 2


Create a short  cut, to get the terminal start 

Click right on the short cut, => property

add a space and   \portable in the target window

C:\My_Terminal_Name\terminal.exe \portable


Create a short  cut, to get the terminal start 

Click right on the short cut, => property

add a space and   \portable in the target window

C:\My_Terminal_Name\terminal.exe \portable

needs a forward slash: /portable

Thank you for your answers.

I right clicked on my MT4 shortcut, and chose "Properties", and then where it says "Target" I used: 

C:\MT4-Folder-Name\terminal.exe /portable

Then I clicked Apply and OK..after that I was able to open MT4 in portable mode simply by clicking on the Shortcut.


Easier to use a batch file.  A few advantages:

1) This way you can launch it with another program

2) simply double-click on it to launch

3)  If you have multiple installations of mt4, you can simply copy the portable batch file to it and double-click; the reference to the terminal.exe file within the folder is relative.  With a shortcut file, you cannot copy it because you still have to edit the absolute shortcut each time you copy it to a new folder.

 Just drop the .bat file in the same location as the terminal.exe file.  You can edit the .bat file with any plain text editor, but it is already set to go.  Instead of launching on terminal.exe, use the terminal PORTABLE.bat file .  You can also create a shortcut that points to the .bat file instead.

 for those using Birt's Tick Data Suite (TDS), you can still pass the /portable parameter to it.

needs a forward slash: /portable

it seem both work, I have this one and it work : \portable

Thank's 4evermaat, I will have a lool at that.


it seem both work, I have this one and it work : \portable 

Learn something new every day - didn't know that! Thanks

I am using MT4 in this ‘portable’ mode on Dropbox which is working well.  However, I am now interested in having a second instance of MT4 also in portable mode on Dropbox.  I know how to install a new instance into a new folder, but I would like it to look & work (at least initially before I make changes) the same as my existing installation.  I want to keep my indicators, templates, profiles, chart & alert settings, arrows properties, layout, options settings, etc. all the same.  Therefore rather than doing a new installation of MT4 via the broker’s downloaded file, can I alternatively just create a new folder on Dropbox called e.g. ‘MT4-2’ then simply copy & paste the entire ‘’MT4-1’ folder contents into it?  This would be fantastic.

Or do I have to install a fresh new MT4 instance from scratch into MT4-2 (& add the /portable key), then perhaps there are only certain files & folders that can be manually copied & paste over afterwards whilst others can’t be?

‌Please excuse my newbie ignorance!  Some clarification would be greatly appreciated.


I am using MT4 in this ‘portable’ mode on Dropbox which is working well.  However, I am now interested in having a second instance of MT4 also in portable mode on Dropbox.  I know how to install a new instance into a new folder, but I would like it to look & work (at least initially before I make changes) the same as my existing installation.  I want to keep my indicators, templates, profiles, chart & alert settings, arrows properties, layout, options settings, etc. all the same.  Therefore rather than doing a new installation of MT4 via the broker’s downloaded file, can I alternatively just create a new folder on Dropbox called e.g. ‘MT4-2’ then simply copy & paste the entire ‘’MT4-1’ folder contents into it?  This would be fantastic.

Or do I have to install a fresh new MT4 instance from scratch into MT4-2 (& add the /portable key), then perhaps there are only certain files & folders that can be manually copied & paste over afterwards whilst others can’t be?

‌Please excuse my newbie ignorance!  Some clarification would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, you can just copy and paste the entire MT4 folder.

that's awesome, thank you honest_knave.  It seems too straightforward!  Great software.