MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 66


don't really work. the result is still in the tenth of thousand with gibberish numbers. I really don't understand what is the error. Can somebody point it out, please (refer to my original post)??

I've also encounter another issue with division in my new EA. when I divide some numbers with 100, the result comes out zero (0). when I change it to multiply with 0.01 (as alternative to divide by 100), then the result come out ok. Can't really figure out what's is happening with this new built MT4.

Is there any specific new rules now to do simple mathematical calculation with the new version of MT4?? now I'm on MT4 built 610. Can somebody point out where can I find the library for MT4 built 600++???


Don't really work? Well, its too bad then.

Don't really work? Well, its too bad then.
yup. thanks anyway. I tried to change where possible (what I know), but nothing works. so sad.
yup. thanks anyway. I tried to change where possible (what I know), but nothing works. so sad.

All broker or just one broker? If it is just one broker, try with another broker.
yup. thanks anyway. I tried to change where possible (what I know), but nothing works. so sad.

//|                                             totalpipsdisplay.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |

#property indicator_chart_window
#define  NL    "\n"
extern int    WhatCorner=3;
extern int    x_1_axis = 70;
extern int    y_1_axis = 223;
extern int    x_2_axis = 10;
extern int    y_2_axis = 223;
extern int    FontSize = 18;
extern string FontType = "Arial Bold";
extern color  FontColorUp=Lime;
extern color  FontColorDown  =  Red;
extern color  FontColorZero  =  Silver;
color FontColor;
double PipsProfit;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()

//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
double CalculatePipsProfit()
   double Profit=0;
   double multiplier;
   for(int cc=0; cc<OrdersTotal(); cc++)
         if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) double ThisTradeProfit = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_BID) - OrderOpenPrice();
         if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) ThisTradeProfit = OrderOpenPrice() - MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_ASK);
         if(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_DIGITS)==5) multiplier = 10000;
         if(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_DIGITS)==4) multiplier = 10000;
         if(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_DIGITS)==3) multiplier = 100;
         if(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_DIGITS)==2) multiplier = 100;
         int ERR=GetLastError();
         if(ERR!=0) Print("Error selecting trade ",ERR);
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int counted_bars= IndicatorCounted();
   if(OrdersTotal()==0) {PipsProfit=0.0;} else {PipsProfit=CalculatePipsProfit();}
   string Market_Price="";
   Market_Price=StringConcatenate(" ",DoubleToStr(PipsProfit,1));
   if(PipsProfit > 0) FontColor = FontColorUp;
   if(PipsProfit < 0) FontColor = FontColorDown;
   if(PipsProfit==0) FontColor=FontColorZero;
   ObjectSetText("Total_Pips1","Total Pips : ",FontSize,FontType,FontColor);


Can you help with these warnings //

'RK-Renko-pure-candle_EA-Tim3_v2-wtrendwdayw8.5TrlS-nf.mq4' RK-Renko-pure-candle_EA-Tim3_v2-wtrendwdayw8.5TrlS-nf.mq4 1 1
'stdlib.mqh' stdlib.mqh 1 1
'stderror.mqh' stderror.mqh 1 1
return value of 'OrderModify' should be checked RK-Renko-pure-candle_EA-Tim3_v2-wtrendwdayw8.5TrlS-nf.mq4 346 19
return value of 'OrderSend' should be checked RK-Renko-pure-candle_EA-Tim3_v2-wtrendwdayw8.5TrlS-nf.mq4 354 6
return value of 'OrderModify' should be checked RK-Renko-pure-candle_EA-Tim3_v2-wtrendwdayw8.5TrlS-nf.mq4 404 19
return value of 'OrderSelect' should be checked RK-Renko-pure-candle_EA-Tim3_v2-wtrendwdayw8.5TrlS-nf.mq4 437 7
return value of 'OrderSelect' should be checked RK-Renko-pure-candle_EA-Tim3_v2-wtrendwdayw8.5TrlS-nf.mq4 956 7
return value of 'OrderClose' should be checked RK-Renko-pure-candle_EA-Tim3_v2-wtrendwdayw8.5TrlS-nf.mq4 969 16
return value of 'OrderClose' should be checked RK-Renko-pure-candle_EA-Tim3_v2-wtrendwdayw8.5TrlS-nf.mq4 988 14
0 error(s), 7 warning(s) 1 8

this is line 346 - 19

 //New ECN Option
   if (ecnBroker)
     ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lotMM, myPrice, Slippage, 0, 0,comments, MagicNumber, 0, DodgerBlue);
     Print("BUY order opened : ------------------------------------ticket #  " , ticket ,"   ", OrderOpenPrice());
     if(ticket > 0)
         if (OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES))  //if(OrderSelect(0,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) break;
                  OrderModify(ticket,OrderOpenPrice(),myStopLoss, myTakeProfit,0,DarkRed);   //line 346
                     Print("BUY order opened : ------------------------------------ticket #  " , ticket ,"   ", OrderOpenPrice());
     else Print("Error opening BUY order : ", GetLastError());
     OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lotMM, myPrice, Slippage, myStopLoss, myTakeProfit, comments,
                                                                                  MagicNumber, 0, DodgerBlue);
     if(ticket > 0)
               if (OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES))
                   Print("BUY order opened : ---------------------------------- ticket #  " , ticket ,"   " , OrderOpenPrice());
            else Print("Error opening BUY order : ", GetLastError());

Thank you


All my updated mt4 v464 don`t show the new tab 'market' in the terminal. What it`s wrong and what`s to do to change it? Please step by step for dummies. Thank you for your support.


All my updated mt4 v464 don`t show the new tab 'market' in the terminal. What it`s wrong and what`s to do to change it? Please step by step for dummies. Thank you for your support.


Problem solved. The IE8 was missing on Win2003.

Problem solved. The IE8 was missing on Win2003.

So I probably could get rid the additional tabs if I uninstalled the IE from the computer (not sure if it is possible). Anyway I am going to invest some effort in this clue.
IE is integrated. Most probably the installed one is the old version.
how to get particular login report