GetDiskFreeSpaceExA - page 2

When asking for help, if you are happy to restrict possible helpers by the size of their screen, then don't concern yourself.
GumRai: When asking for help, if you are happy to restrict possible helpers by the size of their screen, then don't concern yourself.
  1. Exactly. You're the one asking for help.
  2. Or with a little editing you can accommodate both. Post code using SRC. Click HTML. Make three types of changes:
    Change each <pre class="code">...</pre>
    <div class="code">...</div>
    Append to each code line a <br>
    <span class="functions">Alert</span>(a ... al_totalclusters);<br>
    Add a <span style="white-space: pre;">...</span> around the leading &nbsp;'s
    <span style="white-space: pre;">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><span class="functions">Alert</span>(a,
This changes the unreadable lines
// as SRC <pre...
Alert(a, as_dir, " al_sectorspercluster:", al_sectorspercluster, " ...
To this. (Play with the horizontal size of your browser.)
// as SRC <div...
Alert(a, as_dir, " al_sectorspercluster:", al_sectorspercluster, " al_bytespersector:", al_bytespersector, " al_freeclusters:", al_freeclusters, " al_totalclusters:", al_totalclusters);