Not enough bars on my live account what should i do?


Not enough bars on my live account what should i do?

please any kind help are welcome as soon as possible. 


Not enough bars on my live account what should i do?

please any kind help are welcome as soon as possible. 

Talk to your Broker or get more History data elsewhere.
set autoscroll off and keep pressing uparrow key until you don't get any new old bars
Set Max bars in history = 999999999999999 Set Max bars on chart = 99999999999999
  1. deVries: set autoscroll off and keep pressing uparrow key until you don't get any new old bars
    Most brokers only have 65K bars of history (45 days worth M1)
    Alternatively to scrolling is this procedure: History center, pair/TF wanted. Modify one bar - set date to 1980. Go to the chart, right click -> refresh, wait a minute for the download. Go back to history center, pair/tf - scroll to bottom and delete the line with the bogus date.

  2. Download history from a source (I used truefx) and period converter
Remember, MQ4 does not update history files until you close it. Once you have history, close it, wait a minute for the files to be written then restart it. I use this batch file for the wait/restart
@echo off
set term="C:\InterbankFX_1-Click\terminal.exe"
tasklist | findstr "terminal.exe"
if not ERRORLEVEL 1  ping localhost -n 6 >nul&  goto L
echo start "terminal" %term%
   start "terminal" %term%