trading on multiple pairs


I am working on a strategy the places trades on multiple pairs. I use MarketInfo("GBPUSD", quantitative variable),MarketInfo("GBPJPY", quantitative variable),MarketInfo("EURJPY", quantitative variable) etc...

to retrieve info for all pairs and I send all the required info with the respective Symbol() to the ordersend function. My problem is that it will only place trades on the symbol on which the EA is attatched. Does anyone have a clue?

Is this in the Strategy Tester ?
Is this in the Strategy Tester ?

On a live account and the strategy tester.


You can't do it in the Strategy Tester . . . from here:

"Trading is permitted for the symbol under test only, no portfolio testing

Attempts to trade using another symbol will return error"


You can't do it in the Strategy Tester . . . from here:

"Trading is permitted for the symbol under test only, no portfolio testing

Attempts to trade using another symbol will return error"

What is a reason it wont work in live? Even though it will works only for the attatched pair.
It should work on live . . I can't be more specific without seeing your code . . . do you have the symbol names correct ? have you added some debugging Print() statements to see what is going on ?