How can I draw Fibo Arcs


Helllo everyone

I use MT4 but i can`t draw Fibo Arcs.

I don`t know where must be my 2 points? low and one high?

I don`t know what must be my scale and what`s our criteria in determining the scale

doesn`t know anyone?
thank you very much

But what about the scale?

which number is the best for scale?

what are basic rules in determining the scale no.?



Right click your chart choose properties set the chart scale fix 1:1

Now apply the fib arcs with their scale at the default setting of 1. You will notice the arcs are nicely rounded to an even semi circle. This is what the arcs should look like.

If your chart is not set to 1:1 the arcs will be flattened out but I dont think this matters, they still make the same path on the chart.

You can add more fib arcs in the arcs properties levels I added a 100, and a 161.8 fib to mine


Right click your chart choose properties set the chart scale fix 1:1

Now apply the fib arcs with their scale at the default setting of 1. You will notice the arcs are nicely rounded to an even semi circle. This is what the arcs should look like.

If your chart is not set to 1:1 the arcs will be flattened out but I dont think this matters, they still make the same path on the chart.

You can add more fib arcs in the arcs properties levels I added a 100, and a 161.8 fib to mine

excuse me but i didn`t know.

I asked what are the rules in specifing the scale number .why you use 100? what would occur if you use 21 instead? of course you can choose different numbers but why you use a definit one?

thank you very much


I didnt say use 100 as scale number I said use 1.


I didnt say use 100 as scale number I said use 1.

ok sorry, my english isn`t that good and I couldn`t say what I wanted I say it in another way.

many times I used numbers different from 1 for scale for example fibo numbers:55,89,144 and I became surprised how wonderful fibo arcs can show the price fluctuations and support and resistance. now my question is how can I know what is the best scale number for any market ie GOLD, OIL,....

Best Regards


ok sorry, my english isn`t that good and I couldn`t say what I wanted I say it in another way.

many times I used numbers different from 1 for scale for example fibo numbers:55,89,144 and I became surprised how wonderful fibo arcs can show the price fluctuations and support and resistance. now my question is how can I know what is the best scale number for any market ie GOLD, OIL,....

Best Regards

Can anyone answer me?