Buttons & Textfields on mt4 chart possible now - page 7


Actually, I do not understand your problem.

I got my copies by visiting fx1.net first which led me to this site:


I got the dll's from there. The "Download" button is at the bottom of the page, after the text.

It is all explained how to use the functions to create buttons.

Just remember the down-sides and first thoroughly test your program on demos, to avoid unpleasant surprises

if you are going to use these buttons in real account live trading !!!

Also, read this thread from the begining to end!

AND: Did you Google for "mt4gui.dll" ??? Try, you will be surprised how easy this is !!!

Hi Dadas, I've googled for those files and tried the link above (as well as the fx1.net link). The link above is now broken, fx1.net's website says they dont support it anymore and their download link puts you back to the main fx1.net page. In short, not having any luck finding these files. Could you pls PM/attach here? 

Guess I was one of the last, who were able to get to the link.

It's not working, allright.

 They must've removed the stuff. 



if possible create this:

I have 3checkbox ( tbPutObject(hwnd,"checkbox",...) and I want - enable possibility :

1) always select only one of all (select first = no select 2. and 3.; select 2. = deselect 1. a 3. ... function like switch


2) select nothing 

There is no parameter in the
int tbAddListItem(int,int,string); // hwnd,object,item

to allow fontsize, it is only your Windows settings which determine this one.

The second is possible, but give me a break, think for yourself.

Use the 

int tbEnable(int,int,int); // hwnd, object, 0|1 

 in this fashion

tbEnable(hwnd,Button_1,1); // on
tbEnable(hwnd,Button_2,0); // off
tbEnable(hwnd,Button_3,0); // off


Or however you want it to be. Button, checkbox, ListItem, whatever.

Consider using buttons instead of checkboxes, using the tbSetBgColor and the tbEnable function inside if(tbIsClicked( ) ){ }. 

You could try, I haven't tried, but maybe it will work



Keep warm, and Prosper. 


Thank you...

if(tbIsClicked(hwnd,Button_x)) is ok

but code  tbSetText(hwnd,LotManSel,"0.02",9,"Arial"); no function, I have still "big size" type in list :-(

my code:

void CreateMM_risk_pctlist()
   MM_risk_pctlist = tbPutObject(hwnd,"list",60,52,68,14,DoubleToStr(RiskPercent*100,2));
    tbAddListItem(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist ,"0.25");
    tbAddListItem(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist ,"0.50");
    tbAddListItem(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist ,"0.75");
    tbAddListItem(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist ,"1.00");
    tbAddListItem(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist ,"1.25");
    tbAddListItem(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist ,"1.50");
    tbAddListItem(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist ,"1.75");
    tbAddListItem(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist ,"2.00");
    tbAddListItem(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist ,"2.25");
    tbAddListItem(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist ,"2.50");
    tbSetListSel(hwnd, MM_risk_pctlist, 3);
    tbSetText(hwnd,MM_risk_pctlist,DoubleToStr(1.00,2),8,"Arial Black"); 




any one can upload dll's here

I can not found them on original site

It seems they remove it from their site

tidicofy: please search this product through google, we have released it to be public now for everyone and its completly free forever.


I need to create few buttons,

please, show me code of the default button and how to connect with an action, for example - close order.


waiting for your answers,


I told you to search in google because i dont want to make advertising here. After you have made this research you will find over 15 examples. I will not post anything here.