Is there a command_type that will only run once?

Hi Guys,

I would like to execute a particular piece of script only once.

It doesn't suitable to sit in the init() part of the script
So to do that I would like to know if there is a command_type that will
only run once?


maybe there is some variable that keeps the exact time when the script initiated?



why is it not suitable for init() ?

You can log the time into a global variable using GlobalVariableSet().. this will store the time and you can work off of that. Alternatively, static variables are an option..
   static datetime only_once = TimeCurrent()

   if(TimeCurrent() > only_once) //..dont do whatever
then again if youre doing that, why not just put the code in init() ..Id be hard pressed to find code thats not suitable for init() somehow

I would declare the datetime var globaly but not as in GlobalVariableSet(), that brings up a question I been meaning to ask for a while, when describing global variables on the forum, how to differentiate between the kind of gloabal variable within a mql4 program code, and the other kind of global variable as declared using GlobalVariableSet() ? In other words how to avoid confusion when talking about global variables ?

Anway I would decare datetime variable globably so it can be used in other functions, then initialize it to the current time in init()

int start ()

//< Routine that run only once >```````````````````````//<          >
static int iFlag = 0 ; if ( iFlag == 0 ) { iFlag = 1 ; //<          >
                                                       //<          >
    //< Code to run once >                             //<          >
        Alert ( "Hi!" )                              ; //<          >
    //  ...                                            //<          >
    //</Code to run once >                             //<          >
                                                     } //<          >
//</Routine that run only once >```````````````````````//<          >
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Dam spammer. This exact post appears on many boards.