Disappearing Indicator



Below is the coding I am writing which give the correct result, but if I change timeframe or symbol, the indicator disappears. The only way I can get it back is if I recompile the code.

#property copyright "Brian307"
#property link      "B121ANS@Hotmail.com"
#include <WinUser32.mqh>
//--------------------------------------------------- 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                             //DECLARING INDICATOR PROPERTIES
#property indicator_separate_window                                                         //Drawn in separate window  
#property indicator_buffers 3                                                             //Number of Buffers

#property indicator_color2 LimeGreen                                                     //Colour of long indication
#property indicator_color3 Red                                                         //Colour of short indication

#property indicator_width2 4                                                              //Line width of long indication
#property indicator_width3 4                                                              //Line width of short indication

#property indicator_minimum -1.1                                                               //Minimum height of indicator window
#property indicator_maximum 1.1                                                        //Maximum height of indicator window

//--------------------------------------------------- 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
double ind[];                                                                           //DECLARING VARIABLES USED          
double ind_long[];
double ind_short[];     
double RSI[];
double RSIMA[];
double RSIBBU[];
double RSIBBL[];

extern int  AlertSleepMins    = 60;

extern bool PopupAlerts = true;                                                         //DECLARING VARIABLES USED
extern bool SoundAlerts = true;
extern bool EmailAlerts = true;
bool          alertTriggered;
datetime        lastAlertTime;
//--------------------------------------------------- 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void init()                                                                                 //Special function init()
   IndicatorBuffers(7);                                                                 //Number of buffer required for indicator

   SetIndexBuffer(0, ind);                                                                //Assigning array 'ind' to buffer 0
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_NONE);                                                        //Line style to buffer 0

   SetIndexBuffer(1, ind_long);                                                                //Assigning array 'ind' to buffer 1
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);                                                     //Line style to buffer 1

   SetIndexBuffer(2, ind_short);                                                            //Assigning array 'ind' to buffer 2
   SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);                                                     //Line style to buffer 2

   SetIndexBuffer(3, RSI);

   SetIndexBuffer(4, RSIMA);
   SetIndexBuffer(5, RSIBBU);

   SetIndexBuffer(6, RSIBBL);

//--------------------------------------------------- 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int start()
{                                                                                              // Special function start()
   int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

   int limit, i, RSIBBM;
   for (i = limit; i >= 0; i--)
      RSI[i]            = iRSI(NULL,0,8,PRICE_CLOSE,i);
      RSIMA[i]          = iMAOnArray(RSI,0,8,0,MODE_SMA,i);
      RSIBBU[i]         = iBandsOnArray(RSI,0,20,2,0,MODE_UPPER,i);
      RSIBBL[i]         = iBandsOnArray(RSI,0,20,2,0,MODE_LOWER,i);
      RSIBBM            = (RSIBBL[i] + RSIBBU[i]) / 2;
//--------------------------------------------------- 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                        // Initialize Latest Buffer Value
      ind[i]         = 0.0;
      ind_long[i]    = 0.0;
      ind_short[i]   = 0.0;
//--------------------------------------------------- 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                        // Long Signal
      if((RSI[i] > RSIMA[i]) && (RSI[i+1] < RSIMA[i+1]) && (RSI[i+1] < RSIBBM))
         ind[i]      = 1;
         ind_long[i] = 1;
//--------------------------------------------------- 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                        // Short Signal
      if((RSI[i] < RSIMA[i]) && (RSI[i+1] > RSIMA[i+1]) && (RSI[i+1] > RSIBBM))
         ind[i]         = -1;
         ind_short[i]   = -1;
//--------------------------------------------------- 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                        // Trigger the Alert if Required
   string signal = "";
   if (ind[0] == 1)
      signal = "Long";
   else if (ind[0] == -1)
      signal = "Short";
//--------------------------------------------------- 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   if (ind[0] != 0)
      if (alertTriggered == false && lastAlertTime <= TimeCurrent() - AlertSleepMins * 60)
         lastAlertTime = TimeCurrent();
         if (PopupAlerts == true)
            Alert(Symbol() + " " + signal + " BB RSI MA alert");
         if (SoundAlerts == true)
         if (EmailAlerts == true)
            SendMail(Symbol() + " " + signal + " BB RSI MA alert ", + TimeCurrent());
      alertTriggered = true;
      alertTriggered = false;
//--------------------------------------------------- 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Is there anyone who can help resolve this issue please?

brian307: 2010.11.13 21:04

Below is the coding I am writing which give the correct result, but if I change timeframe or symbol, the indicator disappears. The only way I can get it back is if I recompile the code.

Is there anyone who can help resolve this issue please?

  1. It won't repaint until a tick comes in and calls start. Market is currently closed.

  2. // int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
    // int    limit=(Bars-counted_bars)-1;
    // Do it right
       int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
       if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;

It won't repaint until a tick comes in and calls start. Market is currently closed.

right click/refresh?

Hello WHRoeder

Thank you for your response.

Although the market is closed, I have other indicators that don't disaapear when I change timeframe/symbol. This was also happening yesterday during market hours.

The refresh will not repaint the indicator either.



I'm seeing this on my indicator, works fine initially but changing the length results in iMAOnArray is returning garbage though the inputs are correct. I have no clue. Here's my code

    tmp        =iMAOnArray(buffer1,0,sqrt,0,MODE_LWMA,i);
                                                    if (i> Bars-20) Print(
" t=",tmp," sq=",sqrt," db=",draw_begin0," per=", HMA_Period," Bars=",Bars);
//b[34486]=1.2377,1.2377,1.237,1.2362,1.2361,1.2348,1.2336,b[34493]=1.2329 t=2147483647 sq=3 db=14 per=10 Bars=34505
//b[34487]=1.2377,1.237,1.2362,1.2361,1.2348,1.2336,1.2329,b[34494]=1.2332 t=1789569706.0394 sq=3 db=14 per=10 Bars=34505
//b[34488]=1.237,1.2362,1.2361,1.2348,1.2336,1.2329,1.2332,b[34495]=1.2325 t=1073741824.1181 sq=3 db=14 per=10 Bars=34505
//b[34489]=1.2362,1.2361,1.2348,1.2336,1.2329,1.2332,1.2325,b[34496]=1.2332 t=1.236 sq=3 db=14 per=10 Bars=34505