Bug Report: Ellipse tool - Disappearing Ellipses


Ellipse disappears when the center of the ellipse is "offscreen"

To Reproduce the problem:

1. Draw an Ellipse

2. Rotate the ellipse so that the Price values are the same, but the time values are different (left and right side of ellipse are defined by TIME)

3. Resize the chart so that the horizontal centerline of the ellipse goes above or below the top or bottom edge of the chart.

4. The part of the ellispe that should still be visible is no longer visible.


When drawing an ellipse from an old time price point, if the centerline of the ellipse goes off screen when the chart automatically resizes
as tme passes, then the ellipse goes invisble.

What the build number and build data?

What the operating system?
stringo wrote:
What the build number and build data?

What the operating system?

Windows XP SP2...

MT4 build 193


Drew an ellipse (and a rectangle for reference) --- www.ellipse.mine.nu/tmp/ellipse1.png

Slide the chart foward in time, the chart moves the centerline of the ellipse below the
lower edge of the screen... www.ellipse.mine.nu/tmp/ellipse2.png

The reference rectangle is still partially visible, but the ellipse is gone.

Template --- www.ellipse.mine.nu/tmp/ellipsebug.zip

Thanx for tpl. Fixed. Updated build coming soon

stringo wrote:

Thanx for tpl. Fixed. Updated build coming soon

Build 195 installed now, and as promised, the problem is fixed.

Thank You