That's exactly right: people need to learn to QUIT.

Anything in life can be PARDON but if you cannot quit, you will have to pay eventually.

It is like begging for death, creating unecessary defeat.

FOREX is like that.

OVERTRADING is something we all need to learn to quit.

Don't do it for fun! Forex is not suppose to be fun!

Also learn to quit trading without stoploss.

Stoploss is there to protect you from bigger losses.

And yes, that's very important to have them programmed into all EA using MQL4.

My specialized EA has overtrading detection and optimized stoplosses.

And my stoploss has not been hit yet so far.

Currently, I have a big SHORT postion on GBPUSD with a stoploss at 1.55000 and it has not been hit yet.

Now, that's what I call EFFECTIVE trading!

Some people really do come on this forum for Bragging purposes. Why don't you show your spouse, family and friends your amazing results. I'm sure it'll make for an exciting conversation. If you wanna get my pent wet here, you'll need to post your entire code and historical live results for over 2 years. :), Somehow, I doubt that's ever gonna happen. So a big mouth of Yawn for you :()o0O!
Is this the same EA that you told us went long 100 lots the day before, for you to pull out with losses and change direction. I wish you well, but other than GetLastWindDirection() does your EA do any technical analysis at all?
Is this the same EA that you told us went long 100 lots the day before, for you to pull out with losses and change direction. I wish you well, but other than GetLastWindDirection() does your EA do any technical analysis at all?

What planet are you from? I am not by any means interested in advertising; I have no need to show my results or show perfection.

As long as we are on PLANET EARTH, nothing is 100% perfect. This means, there will be losses with wins.

You should count your winnings instead of your losses.

Focusing on the negative, huh? You must be pessimistic about everything in life.....






lol... and yet here you are proclaiming "effective" trading based on a single ongoing trade. The same trading that took you long on Thursay. I question your effectiveness that you so boldly claim...

Oh wait... your the ckingher of lightbulb fame... tell you what, seeing as I don't really care about your results or methods... I will bow out of this argument early.... you win.


Oh this is the same ckingher I've got to remember this guy's name. So many hmm,hmm around here sometimes I can't remember whose post to avoid.

I took a year long expensive one on one tutoring and mentoring extensive in depth manual technical ForEx training with a consistently successful trader half my age. When I started, I always had a StopLosses and he had quite a time getting me NOT to use and rely on Stop Loss points and control the trades myself, including losses which had a higher priority than taking profits. But then this was a completely manual system that included about a dozen or so parameters and indicators that I traded every hour on the hour when the market was active.

But with the swing/ trend trading that I do with EAs, it is retractment and my Trailing Stops that takes my profits and well balanced Stop Loss points that allow me to make trades with fairly large pips per trade but prevent excessive losses.

I have absolutely no interest or compulsion to gamble and am not particularly monetarily orientated. For me this is the means to other ends and being a full time ForEx trader is not my career plan or end goal here.

I have no problems being consumed my and compulsively trading the ForEx in an uncontrollable manner thank you. Though it would seem to be an issue for you.

Good luck with it and heed your own advice.


Reading some of the other postings that such a posting was bound to illicit:

Alas it is very obvious that most of us learn the most important things in life through our troubles, turmoil, losses, failures and mistakes. The ones that are 'gifted' to us are just that: compensatory Karmic gifts of Joy and Grace that are bestowed upon us.

Life IS school. It only starts in earnest once we become adults. Hopefully with a good, solid well rounded foundation from childhood. We are here to live, change, learn, grow and evolve. Then move on with the pure essence of our cumulative experiences and influences distilled into the pure crystallized essence of our ongoing existence.

Business, including ForEx trading and the inevitable losses that come with it, like life itself is a series of obstacles, problems, screw ups, bad judgments, errors and mistakes for us to overcome, hopefully successfully. This applies to everyone and all organizations including businesses, NGOs, Governments etc. It's how they are dealt with that makes the difference and determines if the outcome is a positive one or a failure. Until we learn the lessons that we need, they keep occurring until we do.

As the English poet & satirist Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744) said in ‘ An Essay on Criticism’ : "To err is Human, to forgive Divine"

Live and let live.

Vive la difference!

'nough said.

Oh this is the same ckingher I've got to remember this guy's name. So many hmm,hmm around here sometimes I can't remember whose post to avoid.

The guy is really not stable, I mean clinically. Look through his post history. Serious manic depressive. Its just sad. Needs professional help. Best to just ignore/avoid/evade.

To the OP: what purpose does this thread serve in terms of metaquotes and metatrader? Platform or coding?


OP:: what purpose does this thread serve in terms of metaquotes and metatrader? Platform or coding?

Got a new category in minf there Phillip ?