Beta Testing of MetaTrader 5 Has Started! - page 15


This is my MQL4 to MQL5 porting table .

Maybe useful for someone.

That is very helpful. I think i'm gonna work on making the objects, datetime, and some conversion functions mql4 compatible now if possible.

Wow, I was just playing with the new ellipse tool to see how line id figured in to it. You get an A+ for that one guys. For me, its the best change you made.

Wish for the chart zooming:

In current metatrader when we zoom out the chart bars goes to the right in the window, and when we zoom in the chart they go to the left side in the window. The last bar changes it's location in the window. It would be good not to change the position of the last bar in window when zooming in and out of the chart.

Now in metatrader what happening when auto scroll is enabled? The bars goes to left side in the window while i zoom out. Then a few second after the chart are moved to the right side by autoscoll. Or i just press End button. It's not good zooming i think.

When zooming in the chart, don't change the location of the last bar in window and "add" the bars to window from left side while zooming.

When zooming out the chart, don't change the location of the last bar in window and "remove" the bars from left side in the window while zooming.

Srry 4 bad english. Hope u understood me.


This is my MQL4 to MQL5 porting table .

Maybe useful for someone.

Well, thanks.

I'm also waiting for codersguru's tutorial :)

I'm having trouble finding the font color property for objects in the reference. there's a font size, but no color.
circlesquares wrote >>
I'm having trouble finding the font color property for objects in the reference. there's a font size, but no color.

use like this:


That sets the object color for me, not the font color. Maybe i'm mistaken, but wasn't it possible to change the font color of the object description with code?

Thanks Fai, I'm posting the Objects functions now. I realize there was never a way to change the text color or size of an objects description. The ObjectSetText made it possible to change all those things for labels and text objects only.

Don't forget to also include the mt4timeseries.mqh when using this.

Eventually, I would recommend to place all the functions in one big file. i'm just uploading in pieces still.

Soon we should have some serious compatibility.

See: for all the updated includes.



This sets the font color of OBJPROP_TEXT object.

If you want to change the font color of the object description,try this.


I understand. I meant the individual object description font color. not all objects on chart. It was never possible to do, so all is well now.