Dumb newbie question


I want to display the account information on the chart. I can display Account balance etc by using

DoubleToStr(AccountNumber(), 0)


But when I try to display the account name, or anything not numerical it only shows a zero.

What do I use to display the alpha results from account information like account name and broker name? I can't seem to find what to use by searching :o(

Also, I want to display a message if the user is on a chart other than GBPUSD......how would I do this?




I want to display the account information on the chart. I can display Account balance etc by using

DoubleToStr(AccountNumber(), 0)


But when I try to display the account name, or anything not numerical it only shows a zero.

What do I use to display the alpha results from account information like account name and broker name? I can't seem to find what to use by searching :o(

Also, I want to display a message if the user is on a chart other than GBPUSD......how would I do this?



If you aren't printing a double, then don't use doubleToStr, leave that part out.

if(Symbol() != "GBPUSD") Alert("NOT GBPUSD");


If you aren't printing a double, then don't use doubleToStr, leave that part out.

if(Symbol() != "GBPUSD") Alert("NOT GBPUSD");

Hi Paranoidtruth, thank you for your reply. I tried that and it still isn't working. I am using it in a comment, here is the whole line:


Message =

"" + NL +

"Account Name: " + DoubleToStr(AccountName(), 0) + NL +



If I just remove the DoublToStr I get tons of errors.

Any ideas?

Thanks Heaps,



Hi Jacksun

The following code works.

string Message;

//| script program start function                                    |

int start()

   Message = "" + "\n" + "Account Name: " + AccountName();
   Comment( Message );

The function AccountName() returns a string suitable for use in the comment string.

I think your NL means new line. If so, you should use the special character "\n".

Also, I don't know why you need the "" at the start of your message. I think it does nothing.


Hi Jacksun

The following code works.

You may get some ideas here:

Its a script you drop on the chart, then look at the generated textfile.


high guys,

im new here in trading business, any one can spear time to teach or guide me..

oscar of dubai
