New API MetaTrader 4 AVAILABLE - page 2


thank You for delphi sample . but real account server not found "InterbankFX-MT4 Standard Accounts 2". how do add ?

Mehmet wrote >>

thank You for delphi sample . but real account server not found "InterbankFX-MT4 Standard Accounts 2". how do add ?


You can add how many srv do you want.

Just put them inside <Program Files\Tradezone\TZMT4API\Source\srv>.

For example:

- Go to <Program Files\Interbanfx Trader\config>, copy "InterbankFX-MT4 Standard Accounts 2.srv"

- Copy to <Program Files\Tradezone\TZMT4API\Source\srv>

Best regards.




yesterday I've written an email to "" and CC to "" from "". Please could you send me an answer.

Thanks in advance.



The return value of HistoryGet_MT4() is, in Delphi, pchar. The format is a simple csv file. You must split using ';'. CSV's fields: date, open, high, low, close and volume.

Take a look in this simple example:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


pvalor : pchar;

valor : string;


pvalor := HistoryGet_MT4(Handle, 'EURUSD', 0, 0, 60, 0);

valor := string(pvalor);

if (valor <> '') then



Best regards.


Hi TradeZone,

Are you currently able to connect the InterbankFx MT4 servers using your API? This is the only server I've been unable to connect to using your API

I've tried several InterbankFx live and demo accounts without any success. The LogIn_MT4() function returns 0.

I tried your Delphi Sample application, and it couldn't connect to the InterbankFx servers either. I am able to connect to other broker servers though.



qm00 wrote >>

Hi TradeZone,

Are you currently able to connect the InterbankFx MT4 servers using your API? This is the only server I've been unable to connect to using your API

I've tried several InterbankFx live and demo accounts without any success. The LogIn_MT4() function returns 0.

I tried your Delphi Sample application, and it couldn't connect to the InterbankFx servers either. I am able to connect to other broker servers though.



Hi QM:

We tested and still worked.

Look at your mail.


Password change need.

It is a good idea !

but login from this dll ? How can I use it to contol my Mt terminal except login-logout....., I only want use it to transfer my order information .... not use a mute-terminal.

Is it supplied from MT? or who can sure it is safe?

igar00 wrote >>
Password change need.
We did not understand, please more.
DxdCn wrote >>

It is a good idea !

but login from this dll ? How can I use it to contol my Mt terminal except login-logout....., I only want use it to transfer my order information .... not use a mute-terminal.

Is it supplied from MT? or who can sure it is safe?

is not possible to do this way.
